I woke up to see myself on a foamy spring bed and when I looked around I got to realize that I was in a hospital due to the setting of the room and the stinking scent of drugs. I tried to move my legs but the wrenching pain that followed the movement made me stop and it was then everything flowed in and I started sobbing not knowing what else to do.

“She’s awake doctor!” a voice screamed outside my ward and a lady in a white lab coat with a stethoscope on her neck and glasses on her eyes rushed in with two other ladies I presumed to be nurses.

The clicking sound of her high heel as she strolled to me almost made me deaf that I had to frown at her and instead of apologizing when she got to me she smiled, removed her stethoscope from her neck, placed it on my chest and just then he walked in with the brown skin girl whose name I haven’t gotten to know except for her gang name ‘shadow.’

“What are you doing here!” I barked at him but he didn’t say a word. He took one more step and stopped while shadow kept coming until she got close to me.

“I thought we lost you” she whispered and tried to touch me but I glared at her and yanked my hands away from her reach. She stared at me with her mouth agape and forgot to drop her hand which was still hanging in the air.

“Don’t ever try to touch me or I’ll blow your brains off. Get out!”

She shivered at my outburst while the Lord as he was called chuckled.

“Doctor take them out of here, please. I don’t wanna talk to any of them. Please chase them away from here” I whispered sobbing. Like he dared to come to see me after what he did and shadow who I thought to be my friend didn’t even tell me that he was gonna do such. Such a pretender. I’m just doing my best not to hate her right now.

“Erm.. I.. ca… n’t d. o.. th.. at baby girl” she stuttered and I looked behind to see the Lord chuckling once more.

“Take them away!” I screamed and tried to stand but she held me back.

“You don’t need to hurt yourself Snipy. We will go and I”ll come back later” he whispered so lowly that I almost doubted someone like him could do what he did but then they are all the same. No good one among them.

“I don’t ever wanna see you. You are an animal. A beast. You deserve to be hanging dead on a stick. And you’re just so lucky I’m laying on this hospital bed.”

“Oh, darling I love your courage” He smirked. “From now on you become my favorite.”

“You must have smoked to ever think I’ll ever be such to you. Now get out!”

“Take care of her doctor I’ll be back to pick her up” He instructed and pecked the doctor before they walked out.

I watched them leave and couldn’t help but sob. At that point, the only question in my mind was if I was born just to suffer. I had thought I already escaped only to enter another.

“How long have I been here doctor?”

“Today will make it the fourth-day baby girl” she retorted and wrote some things in the book one of the nurses gave to her. “Aiden brought you here three days ago. He said he lost control and had his way with you.”

I flushed in embarrassment not believing my ears. “His name is Aiden?”

“Yes, son of Europe no. 1 billionaire.”

“I don’t care who his father is. Did he tell you all that? He told you he raped me?” I asked still not believing it.

“Don’t be surprised, Aiden never lies. I’ve been his personal doctor for a long time now and I know everything about him. He never lies to me no matter what he did and he has saved me countless times. He might be bad cause I know that’s what you think now but I still know he has a touch of kindness in him.”

“I don’t like him. I hate him so much and how you see him doesn’t count to me so keep it to yourself cause… Nvm.”

“Well no one will like the dude that forcefully had his way with her but I’ll also have to use this opportunity to warn you quickly. Beware of shadow. She’s dangerous, ruthless and she’s been Aiden’s favorite for years now so I doubt she won’t wanna harm you.”

“Forget that” I grinned. “Shadow will never hurt me. She’s my only friend here. Don’t take the little show I put up earlier to heart.”

“I’ve warned you, baby girl. I’m Doctor Ariana by the way” she mumbled and stretched her hands for a handshake.

“I’m Snipy as you already know” I replied but ignored her handshake which she kept back after she realized I wasn’t gonna take it. “I’ve been having constant headaches lately. What’s wrong with my head?”

She frowned instantly I asked my question. “You are suffering from migraine Snipy.”

“What’s that? I’ve never heard of it before.”

“It is a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision. Yours is so rapid and I’ve arranged some medications for you.”

“It has no cure?” I asked even though I didn’t understand half of what she just said but wasn’t ready to disgrace myself.

“Not yet. But we hope someday it will.”

“So I’ll have to live with it all through my life?”

“If you don’t stress your head, always take your medications and always rest then you won’t notice it.”

“I hate drugs” I whined. “Can’t we skip the drugs part?”

“You have to take your medications baby girl if you wanna live. I’ll also advise you not to always assert with Aiden if you want to live too. I’ve also arranged after sex pills for you.”

“What do I need that for?” I retorted and rolled my eyes at her. “I’ll kill him if he comes near me. Seems you all don’t know me. I don’t bluff. I’ll snip his dick and eat it for dinner.”

She burst out laughing. “I know you can’t do that. You are just so fragile.”

“I can’t stay here” I whispered feeling volatile. “I need to save someone.”

“Your brother?” She grinned.noveldrama

“How did you know?” I asked with raised brows.

“We are global Snipy. Your brother is still in coma and you will save him yourself someday. We have eyes on him.”

“You seem nice but I don’t trust you.”

“Aww, baby girl. I’m the only good one in our gang.”

“Can I stay with you then? I don’t wanna go back to base. I just don’t wanna stay close to him.”

“Not possible. I’m off. You will have to stay here till Lord Aiden comes. And also keep your eyes off Giovanni he’s mine.”

“Who’s Giovanni?” I asked in confusion.

“Ask your head and it will answer.”

“Stop being rude and harsh. You all are just the same and I never had eyes for anyone. If he’s the dude that’s been coming near me then I got no atom of feelings for him nor any dude in the gang.”

“Good. Auf Wiedersehen. Tschüss” she whispered in german which meant “goodbye,” see ya.”

I watched her leave and scoffed before relaxing back, I dozed off immediately and got woken up by the creaking opening of the door.

I flipped my eyes open instantly and my worst nightmare walked in.

“Hey, favorite. How are you doing?” He asked still smiling. His smile and everything just piss me off.

“I’m not your favorite! Don’t ever address me with that trash!”

“Ouch, I’m hurt” he whispered holding his heart and made a sad face but suddenly smiled. “Try harder.”

“Just take me outta here. I hate you so much and just wanna pass a dagger through your heart.”

“Oh, darling, you can’t kill an already dead dude. Can you?” He sneered.

“What do you mean?”

“End of discussion. Get up let’s get outta here. I got a deal to catch up with.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you. You are so annoying” I replied glaring at him.

“You can follow me if you wish” he retorted, picked up the medications, and began walking away.

I watched him walk out of the door and didn’t know when I stood up and rushed out too.

“Hop in” he whispered and blew a kiss at me.

I glared at him and stood there not moving an inch thinking he was gonna beg even if it was once but he brought out a headset, placed it on his ears, started the car, and zoomed off.

“Hey!” I kept screaming running after him but he moved even faster that he was out of sight in a flip of seconds.

Huh! He left me here! I asked no one in particular and sat down on the ground when his car pulled over by my side. “You coming?” He asked in his ugly smile that he thinks fine.

I ignored his question and hopped in. “You would have left me?” I murmured and he chuckled and threw gum into his mouth.

“Here, you talk a lot. Keep your mouth busy with that” he let out and stretched his hand at me.

“Silly!” I scoffed and took the gum in his hand.

He looked at me and shook his head before speeding off.

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