Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 38

The girls meet at Sam’s house. “Please don’t go. I’m sure a job will open up soon.” Raine begged.

“And you don’t need to pay any rent until you have a steady job.” Sam explained. “Besides my income more than pays all the bills.”

“Thanks, but I need to move on. Too many painful memories here.” Kim replied. “My mind is made up.”

“This is all because of the shit Ice pulled, isn’t it?” Raine asked.

“Partly. Look, I’m packed and tomorrow I’m picking up my last check and then driving home. When I get there, I’ll make sure I let y’all know I arrived safely.” Kim replied.

“But this is your home.” Sam argued.

“Not anymore.” Kim replied.

Raine returned to the clubhouse very upset. Jax and Ice were sitting at the bar. She went over to them.

“You! This is all your fault and I hope you’re proud of yourself now! Asshole!” Raine yelled.

“What now?” Ice asked.

“Kim’s leaving and moving back home! I’m losing one of my best friends who I consider a sister!” Raine explained. “I know you care about her. And she’s so in love with you she can’t even bare to visit me for fear of running into you! If you know what’s good for you, you’ll pull your head out of your ass and fix this before it’s too late!” Raine stormed off to her bedroom.

Jax followed her and held her while she cried. “Baby don’t cry.”

“I don’t want to lose her from my life! Her and Sam are my family! The only family I have left!” Raine cried.

“Baby you have the MC now as your family too.” Jax reassured her.

“They can’t replace her! She’s been in my life forever! She’s been there for me through everything! He’s being a pig-headed asshole!” Raine replied.

“I know baby.” Jax replied.

“Just hold me Jax.” Raine begged.

The next day Kim went to her old job to get her paycheck.

“I’m here to get my check.” Kim told the receptionist.

The manager walked over to her. “It’s in my office. Wait here and I’ll go get it.”

She went into her office and a minute later a few bikers walked in.

“The manager just went to her office but should be right back to help you.” Kim explained.

“Yeah, we heard she wasn’t the helping kind!” One guy retorted.

Gail the manager came out of her office and stopped when she saw the bikers. She looked at Kim. Kim rolled her eyes.

“Gentlemen can I help you?” Gail asked.

“Yes, you can tell me why you refused service to my Old lady when she came in here the other day!” The biker with the red Mohawk demanded.

“Ah well we were extremely busy, right Kim?” Gail asked.

“Don’t bring me into your bullshit excuses. I don’t work here anymore, remember?” Kim asked.

One of the bikers turned and locked the door.

“You see, we don’t take kindly to those who refuse our women services!” Red Mohawk retorted.

“I, I’m sorry. Tell her to come back and I’ll give her a free service on the house.” Gail stuttered.

Kim snorted. “You don’t believe her red?” Mohawk asked.

“Look, I’m just here to pick up my last paycheck. I don’t want any trouble. I have no problem with you guys.” Kim replied.

“Ah, I bet you’re the one my Old lady told me about. She said you offered to help, but this snooty bitch refused to let you. She also said you stood up for her and quit.” Mohawk replied. “I’m Tank by the way.”

“I’m Kim. And yep, that was me. I’ll just be going now.” Kim replied.

“Not so fast red. You look familiar. Where do I know you from?” Tank asked.

Kim just shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t explain she had been hanging with the Vet MC since she didn’t know if they were rivals or not.

“Ok, here’s what’s going to happen. Queen bitch here is going to provide all the supplies you need to fix my Old lady’s hair. See we’re getting married tomorrow. And you, Red, are coming to our clubhouse to fix her up. Since you were willing to help.” Tank explained.

“I don’t even know what she wants done. I may not even get the right supplies.” Kim explained.

“Easy fix. I’ll just call Raven and she can tell you what she wants done.” Tank replied.

Kim talked to his Old lady to figure out what supplies she would need to fix her hair. Then she gathered up all the supplies.

“Oh, and Queenie, you speak a single word to anyone about this and they won’t find your body, you get me?” Tank asked.

“Ya, ye, yes sir. Not a word.” Gail stuttered.

“Ok Red, you got a vehicle here?” Tank asked.

“Yes, the red mustang.” Kim replied.

“Let’s go brothers. Rocko, send a prospect after my bike.” Tank ordered.noveldrama

“Ok Sarg.” Rocko replied to Tank.

Tank drove to their clubhouse which was an hour away. Kim was nervous, but so far, they haven’t threatened her or even attempted to harm her. They actually treated her like a guest. Except for them taking her purse and phone.

“Look, we don’t want to hurt you. Just do as we ask and tomorrow, you’ll leave a bit richer than you arrived for your trouble. Just because we’re a MC, doesn’t mean we’re a bunch of thugs.” Tank explained.

They got to the clubhouse and the woman she had saw at the shop came storming out.

“Tank! What have you done?” Raven asked. “She was the nice one!”

“I know baby, and she agreed to help you. I don’t want you to be stressed. I want tomorrow perfect for you. I promise!” Tank replied.

“Look, it’s ok. I’ll fix your hair and then be on my way. No big deal.” Kim replied.

“Oh my god! You’re an angel!” Raven replied.

“I’m Kim.” Kim replied.

“I’m Raven.” She replied. “And Tank! She is treated like royalty you got me?”

“Yes baby, whatever you say.” Tank replied.

“Are you hungry Kim? We were just about to eat.” Raven replied.

“Sure, I could eat. Lead the way.” Kim replied.

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