Four or Dead by G O A

Chapter 208

Four of Vead

The Elders having an urgent meeting right on the day we are supposed

to take Angel on our honeymoon irks me to no end

Whatever the urgency is, there are many blood-brothers to call

"We are supposed to be free of duty for an entire month," I complain as I drink my brandy

Reuben, sitting near my blood-brothers and me, smirks. "I thought newlyweds were always on duty."

"That's just the point," I groan in frustration wishing I didn't have to leave bed so early in the morning and kept snuggling with Angel. "What happened to your face?"

Reuben touches the three scratches on his left cheek. "My Christmas gift got a little out of hand."

"A new horse?" I try to guess as I try not to think of one of the gifts Angel gave us because I will sport a hard-on until I return home. To her

My wife


I love how that sounds

Chapter 2vo

We got spinning rings as wedding bands. I start fidgeting with mine. My body and soul being fused completely to my demon gives me some anxiety, as I am still getting used to the new me. Some blood-brothers are slowly overpowered by their demons after the Piercing Ceremony until they take complete control of the human men, but Angel being a hellstar, balanced us in a way I didn't think was possible

Beneath the tattoo that covers my torso, the two words written by the demons living in the Catacombs seem to burn

I am unworthy of Angel, neither me nor Reyes or Alekos deserve to have her as our Lady. We know it, but saying it out loud is another thing entirely, as we don't want her to realize how undeserving of having a hellstar we are. The only thing we can keep doing is to love her in our sick and toxic way. It is the only thing we know how to do right

"A bitch," Rueben says. He slaps Tyson's back. "He and Jasper bought her for the farm. She needs a lot of training but she is of a good breed

Hell, she might even give birth to strong pups. But not until she is clean and does what we tell her to do."

I am not sure if he is talking about a dog or a woman. Reuben is even more deranged than Reyes. His sister's death...hit him hard

Elder Calum clears his throat, catching everyone's attention

"Not long ago Brother Alekos gave me a pen drive and told me it contains crucial information about the Dukes among other things. I had Brother Cirro analyze it, and after reading report after report and

Chapter 2vonoveldrama

watching hundreds of hours of videos, he and I came to the same conclusion. The Dukes are preparing something that will change the world as we know it."

"What do you mean, Elder?" one of the blood-brothers present asks

"T am going to show you," Elder Calum replies. "Yan, you may reveal your face."

My gaze goes to Rin and his blood-brothers. A fourth person has been sitting between Rin and Levi, his face hidden by the hood of his sweatshirt


I should have guessed it by now, but my head is filled with thoughts of Angel and how to keep her safe from any harm, especially since Carlos is still out there. Just thinking that he will come after her fills me with a rage I have never felt before and a growl leaves me

Reyes squeezes my left shoulder. "I know how you feel."

Yan pulls back his hood. "I don't know how many remember me, but I am Rin's cousin who went missing..." He pauses for a moment. "Several years ago. I was locked up in a medical facility and all manner of experiments were performed on me."

"With what purpose?" Elder Janoah wants to know

Chapter 2vo

Yan traces the tattoo on his face. "For a long time, I asked myself the same thing over and over again until I felt I was going insane. After I escaped, I spent many weeks observing the Dukes and I think I know what Azael is trying to do. He is making an army to attack the Garden of Eden."

Everyone starts talking at the same time and it takes the Elders a few tries before they have our full attention once more

"Azael?" Reuben asks

"The Betrayer," Yan confirms any suspicion

Azael. The one who betrayed Lucifer. He has been on Earth for a long time, his identity always hidden, but for him to say his actual name..

whatever he is plotting, it must be big

"Before my mother died she told me that if we find Azael, we will find Carlos," Reyes suddenly says

"What now?" Alekos asks

Elder Calum looks at us. "We stop the Dukes before they set their plan in motion."

"How?" I want to know

"The leader of the Sisterhood contacted me. She is willing to help us," Elder Calum informs us

Chapter 2vo

"In exchange for what?" Reuben asks

* %

Hours later we are in a private airplane, flying to Bora Bora. We kept our destination a secret from Angel, wanting to surprise her, knowing how much she loved it the first time we'd been there. We rented a bungalow close to the beach where we proposed to her, and for the next two weeks, we will turn off our phones, and try to relax and enjoy our

time together

Angel gets up to go to the bathroom

"We need to protect her at all costs. What Yan and Wasp told us worries

me," Reyes says

Alekos runs his thumb over his bottom lip. "We will hire guards and one of us will have to be with her all the time."

"Where can Carlos be hiding?" I wonder

"Tf he is working for Azael, it can be anywhere. Even if it takes me years, I will find him and kill him," Reyes says

Angel returns and we fall silent

"Can I know now where we are going?" She tries to make us speak

"You have to be patient," Alekos tickles her

Chapter 2vo

She shrieks and laughs at the same time. "Stop!" I pull her into my lap. "You will see in a few hours."

Angel huffs and puffs for a few minutes before she falls asleep, her head leaning on my shoulder. Reyes covers her with a blanket and we talk in low voices about all the security we will install in our new home

I put my hand on her belly and I feel our child moving beneath my palm. She told us she felt the baby moving during our Piercing Ceremony

"The baby," I gasp

"Is something wrong?" Alekos starts to panic

"She is moving." We still think the baby will be a girl

Reyes and Alekos put their hands next to mine, and we keep them there until the baby stops moving, tears in our eyes

"War is coming whether we want it or not, but until then, we should keep Angel in the dark," Alekos says. Reyes and I agree. "Let her enjoy her pregnancy and our baby while she can."

Before we land we wake up Angel, wanting to see her reaction when she realizes we are in Bora Bora

As expected, she cries with joy

Chapter 2vo

"This is perfect," she says as we walk barefoot on the beach where we

asked her to marry us


The man in front of me has a pair of white wings, but they are twisted at a strange angle as if someone tried to rip them out of his back

"Who are you?" I ask him

"Your creator. You will go out in the world and conquer it for me."

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