Mafia Kings: Roberto: Dark Mafia Romance Series #5

Chapter 91

What – ” I started to say –

But she put a finger on my lips and pulled me into the bathroom.

“Oh, God, Roberto, I’ve missed your cock,” she groaned loudly. “Let’s fuck in the shower. Fuck me like you did that first night we were together.”

She immediately turned on the shower full blast –

Then turned back to me, stood on her tiptoes, and pulled my head down so she could whisper in my ear. “The place is bugged. Don’t say anything you don’t want them to hear.”

I remembered Niccolo’s warning to me so long ago, and how stupidly I had ignored it once I fell under Mei-ling’s spell.

Then I watched as she quickly took off her heels and peeled off her dress, exposing a gorgeous set of black lace panties and bra.

“Oh God, let me see that big cock,” she moaned –

But at the same time, she scowled and jerked her head towards the shower.

Get in!

I dropped my robe in stunned silence and watched as she reached behind her back and unlatched her bra.

Her gorgeous breasts jiggled as she took off the brassiere and hung it on the nearest towel rack.

“Oh God, Roberto, it’s so big,” she groaned as she stepped out of her panties.

Despite all my anger at her, hearing her say those things – and seeing her naked body – made me start to get hard.

She glared at me as she pulled back the glass door and stepped inside the shower.

Are you coming or NOT?

I pulled off my boxers and stepped into the shower with her.

My cock was already three-quarters erect and getting more so with every heartbeat.

As Mei-ling stepped under the spray of hot water, she raised one eyebrow as she stared at my crotch.

“Mm,” she commented, this time not for the benefit of anyone listening in.

I whispered, “What are you – ”

She immediately pressed her naked body up against mine so she could whisper in my ear.

Her belly pressed against my now fully erect shaft.

It felt so good that I almost forgot how angry I was.

“Well, at least part of you doesn’t hate me,” she whispered. “Do you still have the other thing?”

I figured I knew what she meant. “The – ”

She put her finger against my lips and shook her head. Not out loud.

I nodded Yes.

She immediately looked relieved. “Good. We need to – ”

I grabbed her throat in one hand and slammed her against the tiled wall.

Her eyes widened in shock –

But after a second, she recovered enough to make a joke. “I thought you didn’t like choking.”

“I should kill you for what you did,” I hissed.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, “but I had no choice. You have to trust me – ”

“Why? So you can betray me all over again?”

“Is that a serious question?” she whispered angrily. “I would have told them everything if I wanted to betray you. Now – are you going to listen or not?”

I relaxed my hand around her throat. After a few seconds, I pulled it away.

“…I’m listening.”

She briefly outlined what had happened.

Lau had had spies tailing us the previous day.

However, the spies didn’t know what we’d bought.

Lau’s men went after the gun merchant, who luckily escaped.

He tried to warn Mei-ling –

But it was too late.

Lau and Han arrived at De Sade and threatened to torture her unless she told them what we’d bought.

She broke down and told them –

But only about the gun.

They forced her to come back to Lau’s office and wait until she was needed for the big reveal –

The moment Lau had orchestrated to humiliate me and grind me into the dust.

I had to admit, he had done just that.

“Why did they let you in?” I whispered, pointing back towards the main room and the two thugs.

“Lau let everyone think I was a faithful employee who played you like a violin,” she whispered sarcastically. “The old man is brilliant, but his ego is monstrous. He couldn’t have anyone suspect I nearly betrayed him, so as far as your guards know, I’m 100% loyal to Lau. They were a little suspicious, but I told them I was supposed to keep you happy – and if they had any doubts, to call Mr. Lau himself. But if they pissed him off, it was their necks on the line.”

“And they bought that?!”

“I don’t know if you noticed, but Han didn’t exactly put his top men on the case.”

“They’re not that stupid,” I snapped. “Neither is Han.”

She gave me a look like Don’t you GET it yet? “Han and Lau think they broke you. That they didn’t need to put their top men on the job because you wouldn’t fight back.”

Her words stung my pride.

The fact that I had been so easily dismissed by my enemies infuriated me.

So I fought back –

But against the wrong person.

“How do you know they’re not in there calling Han or Lau right now?” I demanded.

Mei-ling sighed in exasperation like she didn’t have time to explain – but knew she’d have to because I was being unreasonable.

“One of the talents I developed as a dominatrix is reading a man instantly. Knowing what he wants… what he fears… what he desires but is too ashamed to ask for. The lead guy, the one in charge, has mommy issues, so I exploited that. The other one’s a follower. Once he saw his partner fold, he didn’t say shit.”

I looked at her, stunned.

I had underestimated her –

Just like Lau had underestimated me.

But there was something I was dying to know.

“What did you know about me when we first met?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Are we really going to do this right now?”

“Tell me.”

She sighed. “At first I saw an awkward teenager who didn’t know how to talk to a woman.”

I winced the tiniest bit.

She’d perfectly described the first night I’d talked to her in the club.

“But I was in a bad mood when we met, and I was predisposed to think the worst of you. Then you surprised me by being kind and considerate… and quietly confident. And then you really surprised me.” She gave me a lop-sided smile. “I had no idea what you really wanted, not until you told me – and you had all sorts of layers I didn’t anticipate. It’s like you’re really bad at the surface-level chit-chat that doesn’t mean anything… but you’re pretty fucking amazing when it comes to the deeper stuff.”

I stared deep into her eyes.

She’d basically summed me up perfectly in just a couple of sentences.


“You’re also a plotter,” she whispered, “so I assume you’ve been plotting.”

“I have,” I admitted.

“Care to tell me?”

I hesitated… then put my ego aside.

If she had wanted to betray me, she would have done it yesterday and told Lau everything.

I ran down the things that would need to happen for us to get out of the hotel.

She listened carefully and nodded.

“Do you think you can do those things?” I whispered.


“We have to get to the plane. It’ll be here at – ”

Mei-ling grimaced. “I know. So does Lau. He was there when you called, and he listened to the voicemail.”

“Shit,” I groaned.

“He didn’t bother to do anything about it since he knew he was going to imprison you – but we can’t go to the airport. As soon as he finds out we’ve left the hotel, he’ll send Han to intercept us.”

“FUCK,” I hissed.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“It wasn’t your fault,” I said absentmindedly as I kept thinking.

And then the solution presented itself to me, fully formed. It was beautiful in its simplicity.

“We go to him,” I said.

Mei-ling stared at me. “…what?”

“No – this is perfect. I might even be able to make him give back my family’s money.”

“The 50 million in Bitcoin?”

I stared at her in astonishment. “How did you know about that?!”

“Lau likes to brag when he’s won.”

“My family needs that money to fight the war with my uncle.”

Mei-ling looked thoughtful. “I think I know a way we could get it…”

She outlined a scheme that complemented mine perfectly.

“That’s brilliant,” I said in amazement.

“You might not get it all back, though,” she warned me.

“As long as I go back with something, it’s fine. But…”noveldrama

“But what?”

“If even a single part of this plan doesn’t work, we could die.”

“If the plan doesn’t work and we don’t die,” she said gravely, “you have to promise to kill me.”

I stared at her in horror. “What?!”

“If I help you and we don’t pull it off, Lau will torture me to death. He won’t let me off the hook this time. If we fail… I need you to promise to kill me.”

I stared at her in shock. “…I…”

She cupped my face in her hands. “I can’t let him control me anymore. I’m not willing to live like that. I’d rather die quickly than for it to take hours – or days. Will you promise me?”

I hated it, but I promised. “If it doesn’t work, we’ll go out together in a blaze of glory.”

“And if it does work – you’ll still take me to Italy?”

“Yes, of course.”

She looked relieved. “Thank you.”

“You thought I’d leave you here?”

Shame filled her face. “I was afraid… after everything that happened… that…”

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her deeply.

She kissed me back passionately – then broke away.

“There’s a lot to do – we should leave now – ”

“If we walk out too early, Tweedledum and Tweedledee won’t believe we had sex,” I said. “They might get suspicious.”

She grinned. “What did you have in mind?”

“I’m sure I’ll think of something,” I joked.

“Well, since it might be the last time… make it good.”

I reared my head back in surprise to look at her –

And as I stared her in the eyes, I realized she was right.

So we fucked with the wild abandon of two lovers about to embark on a suicide mission.

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