Mafia Kings: Valentino: Dark Mafia Romance Series #6

Mafia Kings: Valentino: Chapter 19




That’s what it means to be in the Cosa Nostra.

At least, that’s what they all drilled into me growing up: my father… my brothers…

And my uncle, who turned out to be a fucking traitor.

‘Honor, duty, and family,’ my ass.

To be honest, though, I didn’t give being in the Cosa Nostra a lot of thought.

To me, it meant ‘Life is great.’

Party all the time…

Bang hot chicks…

And then I met Caterina, and I didn’t want to sleep with anyone else.

It’s not like it was serious, though.

It was just a fling.

It wasn’t going to go anywhere.

I kind of figured I’d wind up marrying some daughter of a mafia family.

I mean, when Dario married Alessandra, we all thought she was just some sweet little girl from the middle of nowhere –

But it turned out she was actually related to a Cosa Nostra family in Genoa.

Adriano married a random chick he met in Florence. Bianca was really cool, but she wasn’t Cosa Nostra.

However, I just figured that was a one-off exception, and me and the rest of my brothers would end up marrying mafia chicks.

So I didn’t take things too seriously with Cat.

She was just a cool chick who was great in bed…

Who I couldn’t stay away from.

She was the first thing I thought of when I got up in the morning…

And the last thing I thought of when I went to sleep.

(…sometimes in her bed.)

But it wasn’t serious or anything.

Or at least I thought it wasn’t…

Until some really bad Cosa Nostra shit came knocking on my door.

It was the day after Adriano’s wedding. We’d just found out the night before that Uncle Fausto had stabbed us in the back.

After breakfast with the newlyweds, Massimo left to go sweet-talk the Widow – the old mafiosa who ran all of Venice – into backing us against Fausto.

A little after lunchtime, I went down to see Caterina when a bunch of servants walked out of the kitchen. Cat was the last of them, and she had a puzzled look on her face.

“Hey,” I said nonchalantly. I tried to keep it lowkey between us when there were other people around. “What’s up?”

She broke into a huge smile as soon as she saw me. “Oh! Hello!”

I glanced at the other servants walking away. “Why’s everybody leaving?”

“Your brothers and Signor Henriksson wanted the kitchen.”

By ‘Signor Henriksson,’ she meant Lars.

I thought it was cute how formal she was about everybody’s names.

But the part about them clearing the room was odd.

“Which brothers?” I asked.

“Don Rosolini and Signor Niccolo.”

I frowned slightly, wondering if I should walk in and see what was going on –


Why waste a golden opportunity?

I checked to make sure the other servants were gone before I put my hand on the small of her back and whispered in her ear, “Good… I have something I want to show you.”

She giggled as I led her down the hallway.

By the time we entered one of the guest bedrooms down the hall, we were French kissing and our hands were all over each other.

“Mm – mmf,” she groaned, then pushed me away. “I should get back – they might want something!”

“If they cleared the room, they want privacy,” I said as I shut the door and locked it. Then I closed the window curtains so nobody could see from outside.

Cat looked worried. “But if they want something and I’m not there – ”

I stopped her protests with my mouth on hers. Then I grabbed her ass in both hands and squeezed.

She moaned…

Then pushed me away again.

I was a little bit annoyed –

Until she began to frantically unbutton my shirt.

She grinned as she whispered, “Didn’t you want to show me something?”

“Yeah. I wanted to show you…”noveldrama

I unbuckled my pants and pulled my boxers down so she could see the head of my stiff cock.

“…how hard you make me,” I growled.

“Madonn,” she moaned as she looked down at my cock.

I loved that look she had whenever she saw it –

Like it was the most spectacular thing she’d ever seen, and that it hurt not to have it inside her.

She immediately sank to her knees, tugged my boxers down further, and took me in her mouth.


She cradled my balls in one hand, tickling my sack with her fingertips –

As she slowly moved up and down on my shaft.

Her eyes were closed in bliss as she went down deep on me… pulled back… and then looked up at me with those gorgeous doe eyes I loved so much.

Then she smiled and winked…

And keeping eye contact, sank almost all the way down, deepthroating me.

“Oh fuck,” I groaned as I smoothed her hair away from her face, wanting to take in the sight of her lips wrapped around the base of my cock.

She started to gag a little and pulled back.

A little strand of saliva hung from her lower lip to the head of my cock.

“I want it inside me,” she moaned as she ran her fingers up and down my wet shaft.

“That’s all you had to say,” I growled as I picked her up and tossed her on the bed.

She gave a shrieking laugh, then clamped her hand over her mouth like Oh no!

“That was nothing,” I said as I pulled up her dress around her waist. “I’m gonna make the whole house hear you.”

“No!” she whispered with a grin, like You better NOT!

“Yes,” I rasped as I reached for her panties.

When I brushed against the fabric between her legs, it was already drenched. I could smell her sweet, musky wetness.

“No,” she insisted, though she helped me out by lifting her ass.

I pulled the underwear off and tossed it on the floor, then forced her legs apart with my hands.

“Oh yes,” I said as I lowered myself between her thighs, angling my cock towards her pussy.

“NoOHHHHH,” she gasped as I pushed my swollen head inside her –

And then slid my entire shaft inside her.

Her pussy was soaking, and I was wet from her going down on me, so I sank inside her without the slightest bit of resistance.

“Oh God!” she whispered, her mouth open and her face contorted like she was in pain – even though I knew it was all from pleasure.

She began to moan and rake her fingers across my back as I thrust inside her hard and fast.

Slap slap slap slap slap

“Oh – God – oh – FUCK,” she whimpered.

“Oh Cat,” I groaned in her ear.

“Val – oh – FUCK – ”

“God, baby, you’re so – ”

I didn’t finish the sentence because I heard the first CRACK outside the house.

I froze.

It sounded like a suppressed rifle shot.

Because of Hollywood, people thought a suppressor completely silenced a gunshot, but it didn’t. It just muffled it. You could still hear it – and there was a particular signature to the sound. Lars had taught us that.

A second after the first shot, there was another.


“Val?” Caterina said. I was still inside her, but I wasn’t moving a muscle. “What’s wrong?”

I ignored her and listened –

And then I heard muffled shouts from inside the house.

“Shit,” I muttered as I pulled out of her.

“Val, you’re scaring me,” Cat whispered.

“Something’s wrong,” I said as I pulled up my pants and tried to hide my erection beneath my pulled-out shirt. “Get dressed, we’ve got to go.”

She looked at me fearfully as she pulled on her panties.

A second later, my suspicions were confirmed.

“Valentino!” a man’s voice yelled out in the hallway. “Sir, where are you?”

One of my family’s foot soldiers – a guy named Roreto.

He’d known exactly where to come looking for me, so I guess my little romp with Caterina wasn’t exactly a secret.

I opened the door just enough to look out. “What’s wrong?”

Roreto spun around to look at me. At least he hadn’t known exactly which room we’d been in. “Your brother – Don Rosolini – someone tried to kill him.”


I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, not giving a damn if he saw Caterina behind me. “Is Dario okay?!”

“He’s fine,” Roreto said as he glanced behind me into the bedroom, “but I’m supposed to take you to the safe room.”

“I’ll be there in a minute. You can go.”

When Roreto didn’t move, I yelled at him.


He nodded and hurried away.

I turned back to Caterina. She’d heard everything, and her face was pale and terrified.

“I have to get you somewhere safe,” I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind me.

“But your brothers – you have to go to them!”

“After I get you somewhere safe!”

I hustled her down the hallway until we reached a room I knew didn’t have any windows. “Stay in here and lock the door until I come back for you – or you hear the all-clear.”

“The ‘all-clear’?”

“Somebody will shout that it’s safe to come out. But until they do, you stay in here with the door locked – understand?”

“Val…” she whimpered, her voice trembling.

I kissed her hard, then pulled away.

“It’s gonna be okay,” I promised. “Just stay in there with the door locked, and don’t come out until you hear from me or one of the soldiers.”

She nodded and stepped inside.

The last thing I saw was her ghostly white face as the door closed –

And then I ran for the panic room.

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