Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman

Chapter 96

Athena's POV

-3 Days Later-

After spending a blissful 5 days far away from our pack while all but enjoying our honeymoon, it was officially time for us to head back, the urge to see Adrian all but consuming me as I wanted nothing more than to spend the day with my son.

Having been feeling slight discomfort since this morning from the babies I instantly knew that I would all but be close to delivering them within the next couple of days if not sooner.

'Almost time' purrs Artemis, having sensed the change as well, her excitement to see our pups all but contagious.

"Thank the Goddess. Not sure how much longer I can stand being pregnant. I mean I love my mates and the fact I've been blessed with triplets but not being able to shift nor lay comfortably within a bed all but takes a toll on you' I move to say back to her. 'Well have no fear, soon those little ones will soon arrive and all will be alright in the world. Hopefully' giggles Artemis.

Rolling my eyes, I all but move to finish packing, Ares slowly coming up behind me as he all but moves to wrap his arms around me gently, my body instantly melting into his touch as he did.

"Mmm... You feel warm and cozy" I purr, wanting to snuggle deep within his arms.

Chuckling does Ares move to rub my belly, a purr rising as he did. "You feel like you've dropped a little love. Do you feel any different? Any pain or discomfort?" asks Ares, his hands still rubbing my belly gently as I all but melt at the touch, his hands doing wonders for my aching belly.

"Mmm... Only slight discomfort at the moment. Artemis thinks the babies will come any day now. I think it's why I'm desperately wanting, to see Adrian right now" I all but admit, Ares all but humming as I did.

"But of course love. And while you're at it, maybe a nice relaxing bath to help ease you and help with any stiffness you might be feeling from carrying the babies all day" admits Ares.

"Ooo, a bath. Now that sounds wonderful love, one I think I'll have once I return home" I muse out loud. The sound of a bath is all but soothing.

"How about a massage too?" asks Eros, having overheard our conversation, my eyes now sparkling at the notion of getting a massage from my mates all but promising.

"Yes please"

Amused by my response, Eros all but moves to grab my bag once I had everything all zipped up and ready to go, Ares moving to lift me into his arms as if I barely weighed anything, my own arms coming to wrap themselves around his neck as we all but load up the car.


"For you love of course you can have a massage" answers Eros with a smile as he all but moves to put my bag into the car along with anything else we might have brought along with us.

Once loaded does Ares move to set me down near the passenger side of the car, opening the door for me as I all but slide into the backseat, Ares all but closing the door once I was all settled in before moving to climb into the passenger front seat, Eros all but taking the driver seat once he manages to climb into the car as well.

"Ready?" asks Eros, moving to turn on the car as he did. "Ready" I move to say back.

Nodding, Eros moves to drive the slow and steady drive back towards home, my body now leaning against the seat as I all but move to rest, my body exhausted from the endless nights of love making, Ares and Eros along with Zeus and Deimos all but making sure that I was pleasantly pleased before seeking out any kind of release of their own.

Our mates are the best' purrs Artemis, my eyes beginning to close as I eventually drift off to peaceful bliss. A knowing look settling over each of my mates faces as they all but moved to let me sleep during the drive back home. Knowing I needed it the most right now. -Mystic Shadow Pack-

The drive back home was done in complete and total silence. Ares and Eros only ever occasionally talking all while their Luna and Queen napped carefully within the back seat of the car, only to wake me once finally making it back safe and sound. "Love, wake up, we're home" whispers Ares as he attempts to shake me awake, Eros having gone to unload the car once it was parked.

"I-I don't wanna wake up" I mumble, my body just wanting to sleep for a little while longer.

Trying hard not to laugh at me, Ares moves to climb out, deciding to let me rest as he all but moves to carry me back inside, lifting me from the car as I all but move to snuggle in closer to him as he all but moves to take me back to our room. "Alpha you're back" chimes Kai, only to pause when he sees his Luna, who was all but fast asleep. "Is she okay?"

"Yes, completely fine, just tired from all our fun and adventures" chuckles Ares as he continues for the room, Kai shaking his head as he


Heathens I tell you. You're going to wear her out one of these days" murmurs Kai, just as they finally make it back to the room.noveldrama

"Nonsense. She handles it like a champ" was all Ares moves to say, before moving to lay his Luna down, unphased by the movement as he does as I all but snuggle into the bed.

Waiting to see if I'd wake up does Ares and Kai all but slowly move to leave the room, careful not to wake me up as they did until they're all but standing in the hallway with the door now completely shut.

"Come, let us talk in father's office, you can tell us how things have been during our absence" whispers Ares, as he moves to walk away from the door, knowing his mate was safe within the room as they did.

"But of course" whispers Kai, as he too all but moves to follow his Alpha, Ares having linked his brother into meeting them at their father's office as he all but agrees. Unaware that someone or something had managed to sneak into Athena's dreams. -Athena's Dream-

"Where am I? Artemis? Mother Moon? Ares? Eros?" I call out into the void, for the last time I had been summoned into a dream like this was when Mother Moon had tried to make contact with me along with Artemis. It was also right before my heat cycle had kicked in as well. "Hello? Zeus? Deimos? Anyone? Elise? Cara?"

Trying not to panic, I all but try to stay calm, knowing that panicking doesn't help solve anything and with me being pregnant all but complicated matters even more so as I had to learn to control my emotions until the pups were born.

Glancing to my belly, I can't help but instantly panic, my hands coming to pat my now flat stomach which meant I wasn't pregnant any longer and I had all but given birth to my pups. Now more aware of my surroundings, I all but try to search through the vast sea of darkness, my ears listening for the sound of my children. Hoping they were safe and away from wherever I currently was at the given


"Athena... Oh Athena" whispers the voice of a girl, a familiar voice too but one I couldn't place with a finger as I move to look for its


"Who's there? Show yourself" I move to shout.

"What's the matter Athena? Scared of the dark? I mean I always knew you were weak and pathetic but never this weak. Ares and Eros were foolish if they thought they could sit idly by and do nothing. And soon when I'm ready I'll be coming straight for you" was all the voice says, a sudden rush of pain now making itself known as I all but grab my belly.

Biting my lip, the pain only intensifies, deciding to raise my hand only to see it, my hand covered in red. Blood. With eyes wide, I move to follow the trail of blood that laid before me. Shaking I'm not physically ready for what I'm about to see. For the voice had given me a warning, a warning that all but leaves me screaming in agony as pain radiates all throughout my body, for there lying in a puddle of blood were both of my mates, along with my friends, my family, but most of all my children.

"NO!" I scream, tears now falling from my eyes as I continue to watch each of their lifeless bodies.

Trapped by my dreams I try to force myself to wake up, only to be shoved out completely by my body, now jolted into a sitting position as I all but instantly grab my belly, the bed now wet from my water breaking as my contractions begin to set in.

"ARGH!" I scream, pain hitting me hard just as the door all but bursts open only to reveal Ares, Eros and Kai, relief flooding my body at seeing my mates all but alive, at least for now as the dream I had seen had shown each of them dead and lying at my feet in a pool of blood.

"ATHENA!" cry Ares and Eros, both rushing to my side as I cry.

"Ares.../Eros..." I whimper, another contraction hitting. "The babies... there... there coming" was all I manage to say just as another scream all but hits my lungs, Ares all but lifting me into his arms as they move to rush me into Labor and Delivery over at the pack hospital. *Hold on love.... Hang in there."

Chapter Comments


""all but" to many times



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