The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 93



I sensed Dawn's confusion as she stepped outside her apartment the next morning, only to find that there was a limousine waiting on her doorstep. I was dressed, clad in a suit, my hair immaculately groomed back, my eyes fixated on her from the car, as she closed the door hastily behind her. A small smile curved on my lips as I took in how disheveled her hair looked from the wind billowing it around outside, my hand drumming along the seat beside me as she reluctantly made her way over to me, her mouth parted in surprise. "lan," she said, eyeing me while I fought back a grin "You look, well you look very handsome" she stammered while I tried not to smirk at her.

That had been the ultimate goal I thought, studying her. Not to mention proving that I was more than capable of looking after myself. I cleared my throat "Did you get the flowers last night?"

My tone was brisk. I was trying not to sound too eager.

"Yes," she said wide-eyed "Thank you. Faith really loved them" she added still looking at me uncertainly.

She was using Faith as a shield to deny her feelings, I thought with amusement. Never mind, I would get her to confess eventually. I motioned for her to climb into the limousine. "You're coming with me today," I said calmly.

She climbs in, sitting beside me. I inhale sharply, smelling the floral perfume that she likes to wear, even as I fight to keep my voice under control.

"Where are we going?" she asks, biting her lip.

"To the company," I say dismissively "it's about time I begin to take back over my share of the lion's work."

For the first time in a long time, I was enjoying myself and looking forward to the day immensely.

Her eyes widen in surprise. She was not expecting me to make such a remark as this. The limousine takes off and she leans against the seat, watching out the window, a look of anxiousness on her face.

"Something wrong?" I ask idly, casting her a sidelong glance.noveldrama

She shakes her head "No, I'm just impressed to see you like this" she gestures at me "It can't have been easy getting yourself ready like this."

It hadn't been, but I'd been determined to show that I was independent and it had paid off. As we pulled into the parking lot, I could see Dawn's eyes widen even further as she took in just how large the company was. I fought back a grin as the driver helped her out and then grabbed the wheelchair, unfolding it.

"Do you need..." began Dawn quickly and I shook my head, raising the arms on the wheelchair and swinging myself in before she could ask me anything else.

She fell silent. I expertly began to move the wheelchair towards the front entrance. Dawn held the door open for me and I wheeled myself in. "Top floor" I instructed her evenly, as we went into the lift.

She pressed the button, smiling softly at me I adjusted my tie and then wheeled myself out as the elevator doors pinged open, Dawn following sedately behind. I was not surprised to find Knox and my father already there, as they looked up and saw me, wide grins appeared on their faces as they blinked back their shock.

"lan" Knox said, dark circles under his eyes "What brings you here?" he asked in surprise.

I had not told him or Father to expect me today, guessing they would protest or find an excuse for me to remain home and continue to recover.

I look him up and down. Has he always looked that tired or just lately? I c**k my head at them "I came to do some work" I mutter as my father nods approvingly "And Dawn can help me. Where's my desk?" I demand.

"In your office," my father says unexpectedly "we never moved it. It's always been waiting for you. I have to say son, I'm impressed, I thought for sure it would take you a hell of a lot longer to get off your a*s and start working."

I roll my eyes but grin. I motion for Dawn to follow me. I see employees shoot each other glances, some of them openly pointing at me while I ignore them. I settle behind my desk, grabbing files to look through. "What can I do to help?" Dawn asks.

I frown at the files which are put together haphazardly. Knox knows I like order, but his paperwork is sloppy and chaotic. "Bring a chair over" I instruct smoothly and she immediately does so, "take notes. I want this invoice scanned and filed, this one to be chased up and paid, question this supplier over the monthly costings as it appears to have doubled for some reason" I frowned some more as Dawn meticulously took notes "and bring in the financial files for the last quarter" I added, "ask Knox for them."

She nods and quietly gets up, heading out the door. I watch as her pert little behind walks in front of me, my mouth going dry. Damn. It was t*****e having her so close and not being able to touch her. But I couldn't just lay hands on her without a reason, even though my body was desiring her like crazy. Just having her next to me was enough to get my heart racing. She was so innocent she didn't have a clue how she was affecting me.

Dawn came striding back in with a handful of files in her hand. She leaned over to put them on the desk in front of me and I caught a glimpse of her cleavage, causing me to swallow hard.

"These are the financial records for the last quarter according to Knox, but he can't guarantee that it's all of them," she said looking frustrated.

I tried not to laugh at the exasperation on her face. Clearly, Dawn liked having things organized like I did. I nodded tightly and began to open up the files, with Dawn looking over my shoulder in interest as I pointed out several things to her, such as our regular suppliers and costings. There were a few things that caught my eye and drew my attention.

"Hmmm, it seems since Knox has taken over some of the suppliers have taken advantage of his naivete and doubled their prices" I murmured, putting down a file and scowling deeply "which does not bode well for their future. I refuse to do business with any supplier who is willing to put one over a business partner while another is recovering from an accident." "So what is your next step?" Dawn's voice is eager as she looks down at me.

"We have contracts with the suppliers. The first step is to get our legal team to look into the contracts and see if they have knowingly breached them by overcharging for their supplies. Then, we look into disbanding the contract and finding a new supplier who is willing to provide a fair price. We try to find ethical and fair trade suppliers to further promote the business."

Dawn was nodding. "That seems reasonable. But what happens if they don't agree with breaking the contract?"

I give a grim smile "That's when we have to play hardball and find something that they don't want leaked to the press. I hate having to take such a low position but if it comes down to it..." I trail off the implications clear. Dawn raises a brow "I never took you to be that ruthless" she teases.

"Does it shock you that much?" I murmur.

I have to admit I was enjoying myself. I had missed being at work, the long hours, the use of my brain to solve puzzles, the social aspect of it. I felt energized and rejuvenated. My eyes sparkled.

"Surprisingly no" Dawn said thoughtfully "it's just another part of you that seems to make sense to me" She shrugs "I don't know, I guess I have this image of you in my mind and so far you seem to have met my expectations." Interesting. I gave her a long smile. "So what you're saying is you have an image of me in your mind" I drawl as she blushes "And I'm meeting your dreams?"

"That's not what I meant" she splutters indignantly as I chuckle.

"Relax, I'm just joking" I tease her, as she puts her hands on her hips and glares at me "Dawn it's fine. Why don't you go get some drinks from the conference room? We could use a break" I suggested, sensing she was growing tired. She huffs and then laughs, storming from the room and bringing back two sodas, handing one to me as I wheel myself out from behind the desk, feeling surprisingly relaxed.

I crack open the soda and take a long swig. "Ahh" I sigh, "that's the stuff."

Knox and father have surprisingly stayed out of my office. Dawn sits down on a chair and crosses her ankles as she takes a sip of her own drink. "This suits you" she nods as she glances at me "You look completely at ease in this environment. Fully relaxed, even at the grueling pace you've set yourself. I just want to warn you to take it easy though, as you are still recovering" she warned me.

I eye her with a glint in my eyes. "I'll take it easy on one condition," I tell her, putting my soda aside, as she stares at me surprised "Come here," I tell her hoarsely, c*****g my head.

There's a strange look in her eyes as she puts her drink down and walks over to me. God, she's beautiful. Her long hair cascades down her shoulders, flowing gently as she walks. I reach out and touch it, enjoying the soft feel of its silky strands in my hand. She sucks in a breath. She's so petite, so dainty. I reach out and pull her onto my lap as she wriggles, her eyes widening as she looks into my eyes. I cup her chin. She stiffens and then stills.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are," I tell her, my voice dripping with sincerity.

She blushes, as my arm wraps itself around her waist, my other one lightly touching her lower lip as it quivers.

One taste. That's all I want. One taste and then I can stop wondering how she tastes, how she'll sound when I kiss her. It's driving me crazy. Her eyes are sparkling as she gazes at me. She offers no resistance as I draw her head towards me, my hand gripping the back of her neck, lightly stroking it as my mouth descends on hers, tasting the sweetness of her lips, my tongue delving inside her mouth and exploring the inside, caressing her tongue as we kiss, her breathing becoming more shallow. It's like heaven. Or hell. Either way, it's unlike anything I've ever experienced with any woman before. I can't get enough of her. She's like an aphrodisiac. I can feel the softness of her skin, the gentleness of her lips, the sweetness of her mouth. My mind is spinning and whirling. I don't want to stop. It's like I'm inhaling a sweet heavenly wine and all I want is more. Like a drug, you can't get enough of it. She moans and I deepen the kiss, her body still splayed across mine in the wheelchair.

"lan" she whimpers and I almost come undone, as my name drips from her lips.

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