The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

Chapter 26

The two ran out after that and found a wedding chapel that was still open and got married,

“Anyway,” Logan said, snapping back to the present moment. “One thing led to another, and she asked me to marry her. So I did.” Logan suddenly wished he hadn’t offered to tell the story at all.

“After one conversation?” Dylan said incredulously.

Logan shrugged. He wasn’t giving them all the details, so of course Dylan didn’t understand. It was about the way she had made Logan feel, like he was more than just a nice face or fat wallet. She asked him questions that people didn’t normally ask him. Deep, personal questions. What were his dreams, what really, truly scared him. And also just fun questions like his favorite color or dinosaur.

No one in Logan’s life had ever cared to hear what his favorite dinosaur was. People only ever seemed to see him as a business opportunity or a potential rich hookup/husband.

“Um, hello? Earth to Logan?” Dylan said, snapping Logan out of his reminiscing.

“Uh…yeah, after one conversation, I know it sounds crazy…” Logan started.

“Um, yes sir, it does,” Dylan shook his head.

“It’s not crazy,” Hazel said so quietly that Logan almost didn’t hear. “It’s just like a romantic movie.” 1

Hazel looked down after that. Logan thought he detected some sadness in her comment. It suddenly hit Logan that he didn’t know anything about her personal life. Was she single? In a bad relationship? Something was definitely going with her, and it was not good, Logan realized. She hid whatever it was real well at work.

By the look on Dylan’s face as he reached back to pat Hazel’s shoulder, Logan also could see that Dylan had come to the same realization. Only he was in a position to help her with whatever it was.

Another twinge of jealousy hit Logan. “What is going on?” He thought.

“Okay you two,” Dylan said. “We’ve been in this car long enough. Let’s go up to my office for the boring legal part of the evening.” He winked at Hazel in the rearview mirror, and she smiled back at him.

“Actually, on second thought…” Logan started. He didn’t want Hazel around Dylan much. He felt a sudden urge to protect her from the womanizer Dylan could sometimes be. “We need to get back to the office. We can do legal stuff tomorrow, it’s getting late.”

“It’s no problem man, I’m always up late anyway.”

Logan scrambled for another reason to leave. “We should let Hazel go so she can rest, I’ve taken up enough of her time.”

A look of shock crossed Hazel’s face. “I’m okay sir, if you need to get this done tonight.”

Nonsense, this can wait until tomorrow. Dylan, can you take us back to the station? We’ll take Hazel’s car back to the office.” 1

Dylan narrowed his eyes at Logan. “Okay, if you insist,” Dylan turned the car back on. “Just know I charge. double on the weekends.” noveldrama

Logan laughed. “Just put it on my tab.”

As they approached the station, Logan struggled to figure out what exactly it was that bothered him so much about the way Dylan and Hazel interacted. He finally chalked it up to the fact that this was the most unprofessional he had seen Hazel act. He didn’t want her to get too comfortable and familiar in his


“That must be it,” Logan thought.

Dylan pulled into the station parking lot and parked next to Hazel’s car. “Ladies and gentlemen, our final stop for the evening is the Redwood Police Station. Please collect your belongings and make your way through the nearest exit.”

Hazel giggled again. Logan was finding it to be quite an irritating sound.

Dylan threw his door open and quickly moved to the back door so he could open it for Hazel.

“You spoil me,” she said.

“Somebody needs to,” Dylan said. “That boss of yours seems like a real jerk.”

Hazel and Dylan walked to her car, laughing and joking. Logan followed close behind, keeping an eye on Dylan.

He didn’t trust Dylan for a second.

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