The Raven and The Snake

The 4th Book: Part 2

The Malfoys had a prime location on the camp grounds outside of the stadium. The crowds were enormous. Draco directed her to their tent, but to call it a tent made it sound like something you would camp in. This was nothing like camping. It was as though Malfoy Manor had been crammed underneath a traditional canvas tent.

Draco was once again in his element. He boasted casually, leading her around like he owned the entire campground while she looped arms with him. She made every effort to be as agreeable and charming toward him as she could, meditating whenever she started to feel too disgusted.

His friends, Crabbe and Goyle were there, but he made a special point to keep Ariadne at his side. She was more beautiful than ever, wearing her best clothes and styling herself so she was mature. It didn't come naturally, but she copied Narcissa's mannerisms which gave a regal air.

Fred and George spotted her at one point, but she blatantly ignored them much to their confusion and Draco's delight. When they attempted to engage her in conversation, she turned her back on them, showing a very clear preference for Draco who had no trouble with throwing his arm around her and showing her off like she was a trophy. It was utterly despicable.

The Malfoy family made their way to the top box at a very leisurely pace. Once they'd arrived, Lucius introduced his family to Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic who was looking mildly harassed with a handful of Bulgarian men. "Aw, Fudge, how are you? I don't think you've met my wife Narcissa or our son, Draco. This here," Lucius gestured faintly to Ariadne. "Is my wife's cousin, Ariadne Black."

Fred and George were also in the top box, standing with their entire family. They stared at Ariadne, bewildered at what she could possibly be doing here, with Draco's arm draped over her.

"How do you do," Fudge greeted them politely and stumbled as he tried to introduce them to the Buglarian Minister of Magic.

Ariadne had remembered what this year entailed and had looked up how to properly greet people in Bulgarian. She smiled politely and leaned past Fudge to say, "3a Meн e удоволствие да се запознаем❞

The smiled politely, greeting her back and shaking her hand with Fudge looking reasonably impressed. Draco was positively delighted.

Fudge continued to introduce Lucius to the Weasley family, though they already knew each other and they stared at each other tensely. Lucius mused quietly about how the Weasleys could have possibly afforded so many tickets between the seven redheaded children, plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

Fudge didn't seem to hear though and continued to plow on, saying that the Malfoys were his guests being as they'd made a rather sizeable donation to St. Mungo's hospital. Ariadne tilted her head to give Draco an adoring look, faking being moved by the family's generosity. Lucius sneered at the lot and led him wife to sit down at their seats, Draco leading Ariadne.

She saw Draco give the boys from his own year a contemptuous look and blushed slightly when touched her purposefully possessive in front of the twins. Bill seemed to have recognized her and whispered something to George who shook his head, still baffled at her inexplicable behavior.

She very clearly heard Percy announce to his younger brothers that he'd been right about her. The twins turned on him, looking as though they wanted to toss him from the box. They had no idea what sort of game she was playing, but they focused on the game instead of trying to engage her.

Ariadne took notice of a little house elf sitting, apparently alone with her eyes covered. An empty seat was right behind Harry Potter. None of the Malfoys looked over, but she eyed the empty seat with suspicion. A part of her wanted to reach over and snatch at the air over the seat, just to confirm her suspicion, but she didn't, possibly due to the magic that seemed to force her to obey the books.

Instead, Ariadne braced herself as Ludovic Bagman, Head of the Department for Magical Games and Sports came into the box and started announcing the start of game which first featured a display by the mascots. Bulgaria's mascots were introduced first. They were veela, fantastically beautiful women with sparkling skin and hair. They ran out onto the field and began dancing.

Ariadne threw her arms around Draco's waist and held him back. He'd started to move toward the edge of the box. Harry and Ron had both gotten dangerously close to the edge, Harry seeming prepared to jump into the stadium even though that would surely mean his death.

Hermione had to yell at Harry to get him to come back to earth. The veela had stopped dancing now and there were shouts the crowd, wanting them to continue. Ariadne had agreed that the women were quite something, but she wasn't as interested as most of the men were.

Draco was in a slight daze and she gave him a violent shake to get him to look at her. He finally did then looked terribly embarrassed. She kissed his cheek to let him know she wasn't mad and nodded as the Irish mascots came speeding into the stadium.noveldrama

The Irish mascots were, of course, leprechauns. They came in like a firework display with great explosions of color and rained golden coins on the crowds. Ariadne had to throw up a shield to protect herself from the falling projectiles, feeling a little annoyed. She picked up one of the coins and examined it curiously. It looked for all the world like a normal galleon.

Ron was feverishly scooping up coins and offering them to Harry. She nearly warned him that Leprechaun gold famously disappeared within a few hours, but instead she turned her attention to Draco who was sneering maliciously. It hurt her chest to be giving her friends such an obvious cold shoulder, but if her new plans were to work, she had to be just as awful as Draco.

The game started, but it moved so fast, Ariadne could hardly keep up. After a while she stopped trying to pay attention. Then it started to get boring.

Finally, it ended. Ireland had won by several points, but the Bulgarian seeker had been the one to end the game by catching the snitch. Unfortunately, he seemed to have done that only after breaking his nose which streamed blood behind him.

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