The Raven and The Snake

The Second Book: Part 4

Ariadne was trying to use the quietness of the hospital wing to get some studying done when the first Quidditch match was happening. She'd spent weeks being drawn away by one thing or another. Lockheart was a constant headache, yammering away about all the amazing stuff he'd done.

Every chance she had to talk to Ginny went out the window due to something ridiculous. Students were trying to collect protective charms that didn't work or had strange effects that landed them in the hospital wing. This had led to a boom of her own protection talismans being sold by Fred and George. She didn't mind, but the old enchantments wore off so she'd been asked to make more.

Professor Snape nearly burst a blood vessel when he found that someone had snuck into the school stores and taken potion ingredients. Ariadne had offered to help replace some of the ingredients, but quickly regretted it when she found herself spending more time on plucking the wings off lacewing flies than she was spending on her schoolwork.

Whispers were everywhere about the Chamber of Secrets, a supposed place hidden somewhere within the castle that housed a monster. Ariadne was positive there was truth in that, but she couldn't grasp the details which were eluding her further due to her mountain of work.

Draco Malfoy claimed that the chamber truly did exist, apparently having been opened about fifty years before. No one seemed to know the circumstance around what happened at that time, only that a muggle-born girl had died and the person that had opened the chamber was expelled.

Surely, someone on the staff would know the story better than any whispering student or perhaps one of the many ghosts, but no one with any real knowledge was willing to speak up. This meant the rumors were rampant and getting stranger by the day.

The peace Ariadne had found in the hospital wing didn't last as long as she'd have liked. Harry Potter came into the hospital wing looking paler than usual, surrounded by the entire Quidditch team. Apparently he'd had a nasty time of it during the game. A bludger, one of the balls that flew of its own will, had sought Harry out in particular. It had broken his arm as he'd reached for the snitch.

A broken arm wasn't that bad in a school like Hogwarts. Even Ariadne was now capable of handling minor breaks. Unfortunately, Lockheart had gotten to Harry first.

Harry was lopsided when he came in. Madam Pomfrey used her wand to draw up the privacy screens while Ariadne shooed back the team who were still tracking dirt and sweat. Hermione had to be moved away from the screens as well, saying that it had been an honest mistake that anyone could have made.

That really didn't sound good.

"He'll have to stay the night. It's going to be painful." Madam Pomfrey said, getting a pair of pajamas for patients.

"What happened?" Ariadne whispered to Fred and George.

"His arm is empty!" Fred crowed excitedly.

George leaned in closer. "Lockheart got to him. Was just a broken bone, now he hasn't got any bones in that arm at all."

Ariadne felt her face pinch. She hurried to help Madam Pomfrey get a glass for the skelegrow. It was a commonly used potion, but she'd never seen anyone drink so much of it at a time. She'd have to make some more. Or at the very least ask Snape to brew it.

Ron helped Harry into the pajamas, settling him down into a bed. Harry nearly spat out the skelegrow, forcing Ariadne to grab his nose and hold his head back. She massaged his throat as though he were a dog. He did not look thankful. The matron sent the Gryffindors packing and Ariadne had to trudge back down to the dungeons. She had not accomplished as much as she would have liked. Slytherin's loss in the Quidditch match made everyone ornery, so Ariadne found herself going to bed a little early. She thought she'd heard a hissing voice at one point, but she was too tired to be sure.

The next morning the school was in an uproar. A student had fallen victim to the creature from the chamber. Little Colin Creevey, the boy Ariadne had helped to develop pictures, was in the hospital wing, still as a statue. Colin had been sneaking to visit Harry in the middle of the night when he'd spotted and attempted to snap a picture of the creature.noveldrama

He looked so small on the bed, his face a mask of surprise.

Ariadne made the decision that she was absolutely going to approach Ginny. She was sure the girl had something to do with this. She remembered her being important in the book.

Then she received a summons to the headmaster's office. He informed her that Grandpa Lawrence's mother had died. She'd been a very kind woman, extremely supportive of her son's life choices. She had been the one to formerly adopt Leticia so that they could raise her and Ariadne.

Ariadne had to go home. She took the Knight Bus out of Hogsmeade.

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