The Raven and The Snake

The Third Book: Part 17

Ariadne hugged the neck of a very confused Snuffles and cried. She was fighting hard to keep quiet, not wanting to distress him, but she was sure that he could feel the tremors of her silent sobs. Snuffles wagged his tail and whined a little. She had understood why Professor Snape had written off her idiotic behavior now. It was because he had no emotional connection to her. He was still so wrapped up in his first love that her own childish act hadn't even really registered as true feelings. He was able to forgive her insolence in a way he'd never be able to with Potter because that was how low she was on his radar.

Ariadne knew it shouldn't hurt her as badly as it did, but she couldn't help it. She'd poured out her heart for him and he didn't even have the decency to reject her properly. It was that unimportant to him.

Ariadne went through the motions. She studied, chatted with Birdie, attended the Quidditch final, and cared for Snuffles. She moved like she was in a dream, a very hazy one. Snuffles clearly didn't make a priority of caring for himself or eating whenever he left the castle so the burden of putting weight on him and keeping him clean fell on Ariadne.noveldrama

She didn't complain. Anything was better than thinking. Anything that kept her from being in her own head was wonderful.

The boys had left her almost entirely alone. They treated her exactly as they had the year before. As though the last several months had been nothing at all.

She couldn't even make herself feel hurt by it.

A boy in her own house had asked her out and she accepted without a thought. He was older than her and was very confident in his movements. She wasn't passionate or even interested, but she kissed him back when he wanted it and didn't care when he made a public spectacle of holding her on his lap like a prize.

When the Gryffindors won the Quidditch Cup, the mood in Slytherin house took a definite down turn. The twins had kissed Ariadne's cheeks afterward, but her new boyfriend had made them back off directly. He put a meaty hand around her waist and dragged her back to their common room.

The exams came and the entire school went strangely quiet. Ariadne was sure to receive top marks in everything. She was confident, but it didn't cheer her.

Snuffles wandered off again. She didn't even mention it to Merry.

Merry had taken a notice to Ariadne's mood. She fretted over her, taking more time than necessary to do Ariadne's hair. She didn't try to make Ariadne talk which she appreciated silently.

Ariadne continued to keep an eye out for the rat, but she was starting to feel that her only chance would be during the last night of the exams, where the book's climax was to take place. Fear of failure had her getting edgier and meaner. Buckbeak the hippogriff had been scheduled for his secondary hearing and execution that day. Draco seemed awfully proud of this though Ariadne could hardly see the point. Was he just that hot and bothered to see Hagrid upset? When Draco noticed her obvious distaste over the matter, Birdie cut in saying that it was because Ariadne greatly liked animals.

Indeed, Ariadne was the only Slytherin who hadn't breathed a word of complaint about Hagrid even though he couldn't be called the "best" teacher. His lessons went up and down between being excellent and terrible, but he answered every question she had without trouble. Hagrid had taken a cautious liking to her over the course of the year, but she wasn't so close to be invited as Harry and his friends were. She needed Draco to confirm the time and place.

Ariadne paced the shadows of the courtyard. She'd been thinking hard about where she should be when the time came. Minor details were a little fuzzy, but if she was right, Lupin still had the parchment and knew how to use it. He would see the younger students out in the grounds and he would see when Snuffles took action. He would be on the grounds when Professor Snape took the wolfsbane drought to him and would go after them into the Shrieking Shack had that a special entrance beneath the whomping willow.

If she were to change the future, she decided she needed to get the parchment before Snape.

Ariadne turned to go to Professor Lupin's office only to be stopped. Her boyfriend grabbed her hand. He was one year away from graduating and he was happy the exams were over. He wanted her to join in the minor celebrations. To her deepest chagrin, she realized she didn't know his name. In her head, she'd just been calling him "badger boy" since his only claim to fame within the school was that he had once been turned into a badger during a botched transfiguration class.

When he tugged her arm to lead her away, she pulled back and started to say, "Look, Badg-"

That's when he realized that she didn't know his name. She tried to brush him aside, but he rounded on her, demanding that she call him by his proper name which she didn't know. She was starting to panic when Mr. Filch called that he was closing the doors and that all remaining students had better get inside before he tanned their hides.

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