The Raven and The Snake

The Third Book: Part 19

Ariadne awoke more battered than ever. She was bruised from head to toe and one of her hands had been reduced to a bloody mess from where she'd tried to hold onto a rat. Professor Snape had awoken and took the students and Sirius Black up to the castle, never realizing she was there.

She sat up carefully. The rat was gone.

She still had her soul so she must have been close enough that Harry Potter's stag patronus had managed to save her life as well. The sun was just barely visible. Sirius Black would either be about to die or be saved now. "Merry," she croaked into the night air.

There was a crack and Merry was absolutely stunned to see Ariadne in this shape. She wailed and attempted to get Ariadne to the hospital wing, but Ariadne shook her off before they could travel.

She grabbed the little elf's shoulders with her bloodied hand. "Merry, I need you to get the harness I was making for Snuffles. I need you to put it in Flitwick's classroom." Merry was baffled. "Miss?"

Ariadne shook her head which was pounding. She had failed in her mission to stop Pettigrew from reaching her grandfather. Now she only had one move left. In case of her failure, she'd prepared a gift for Snuffles that would hopefully help him navigate the muggle world without notice.

"This is important!" Ariadne rasped. "I need you to go into my room and get the harness I made for Snuffles and leave it in Professor Flitwick's classroom."

"B-but Miss! S-Sirius Black is in there. The M-Minister of M-Magic is going to take a de-dementor in to k-kiss him." Merry stuttered, her eyes more enormous than Ariadne had ever seen.

Ariadne gave her head a little shake which turned out to be a truly awful idea. "Sirius is Snuffles, Merry. I need you to make sure he gets the harness before the dementor comes. Please, Merry. I swear he won't hurt you. Please just do this for me."

Merry disappeared with a crack.

Ariadne woke up in the hospital wing again. She'd been cleaned and healed, but she still felt awful. Harry and Hermione had already been discharged so it was just her and sleeping Ron Weasley.

Professor Dumbledore was sitting in a chair at her bedside, looking down her with patiently probing eyes. "Good morning, Miss Black."

She looked up at the old wizard. She let out a shaky sigh. "How much trouble am I in?"

His eyes crinkled a little. "I suppose it could be worse. You're not expelled."

Relief swept through her and she almost felt she could doze off again. Instead, she sat up. Antigone was on the bedside table, staring at her with beautiful jewel-like eyes. Ariadne reached a now undamaged finger to stroke her head. Dumbledore's blue eyes were focused on her. His mouth in a tight line.

"I failed, didn't I?" Ariadne asked, not looking away from the little snake who was reaching to twine around her wrist.

"I wouldn't say that, Miss Black," he said kindly.

"The rat escaped."

"Yes, he did. I do wonder how you knew about him." Professor Dumbledore mused; his tone falsely light.

Ariadne felt the familiar catch in her throat, still keeping her from saying the words she most wanted to say. "I really wish I could tell you. You have no idea how badly I want to."

His eyes were sympathetic, but she sensed he was just as frustrated as she was. "Did Sirius Black tell you?"

"Why don't you ask him?" She hedged. She hoped that her uncle was still alive, praying that she hadn't somehow derailed the story and made it worse.

"Sirius Black has escaped again, Miss Black. I highly doubt that he'll be coming back to this castle any time soon."

Ariadne covered her face in her hands, thanking any and every god that could possibly exist. At least the story hadn't gone wrong. Sirius was free.

"I trust that you understand what it means now that Lord Voldemort has a loyal follower out there. I have little doubt what Peter's next move will be."

Ariadne shot a look toward Ron's bed to make sure he was still asleep. He was. His mouth was hanging open and a river of drool was making its way to his pillow.

"The Dark Lord will come back, Professor." She whispered.

He nodded, watching her carefully.

From here, she only had one more chance to be of help. One last little ray of hope. She'd been thinking about it since her failure to reach the rat in Diagon Alley, but it was a very long shot. "You'll have Professor Snape working for you again." She said, not really asking.

He waited silently for her to finish her thought.noveldrama

"He will never trust me again.."

Professor Dumbledore's eyes twinkled behind his halfmoon spectacles. "I wouldn't jump to conclusions quite yet. You, Miss Black, have quite a knack for making young men worry about you." Ariadne stared at him. She couldn't believe he was making a jibe at her now of all times. Hadn't it been enough when Percy was accusing her of fooling around? "Professor -!"

He chuckled softly. "I believe you wish to ask something?"

She paused to regather her thoughts. "When you send Professor Snape to my grandfather, send me as well."

Professor Dumbledore didn't respond. He looked her dead in the eye.

"Please, Professor." She begged. "Don't make him go alone. My grandfather will probably find out about me now anyway. When the time comes, have Professor Snape take me to him. I can help protect him and make sure that my grandfather accepts him again."

Professor Dumbledore's blue eyes were nearly drilling a hole into her face. "You understand the dangers behind this train of thought. You will be taking your O.W.Ls next year. You are still underage."

Ariadne felt tears spring to her eyes. "Please Professor. I will do everything you tell me to. Please don't send him to my grandfather alone."

Professor Dumbledore's expression softened. He reached a hand to her shoulder. "Focus hard on your studies, Miss Black. I fear that the next few years will be very difficult."

She was crying now. She pulled her legs up to her chest and tried to keep her wails silent so she didn't wake Ron or alert Madam Pomfrey. Antigone slid to her other shoulder, leaning her head against Ariadne's cheek and whispering to her soothingly.

"Please, Professor. I'm begging you." She whimpered between gasping sobs.

Professor Dumbledore rose slowly from his chair, pulling his hand back. "I will take your sentiments into consideration, Miss Black. Rest now, or Poppy will have my head."

Ariadne laid back down after a while and drifted off. She was so exhausted. She wondered if Merry had managed to give Sirius her gift. She wasn't sure if she'd ever be allowed to see him again. She hoped that Dumbledore would allow her to stay by Snape's side. He would probably never forgive or trust her again, but she knew, she'd realized when she'd inadvertently let all of her feelings toward him slip. She loved him dearly. She loved every one of this world, but especially him. She was going to do whatever it took to find a loophole and keep him safe.

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