The Tycoon’s Remorse Pursuing His Unforgettable Bride


The visitor.


I paused, my hand Instinctively reaching for my ring finger. It felt bare and empty without the familiar weight of my wedding ring. My eyes widened, why did it take me this long to realize it’s not on my finger? If Ashley had not called my attention to it, I probably would not have noticed it was missing.

“I didn’t take it off,” I responded, while racking my brain on where it could be.

Ashley’s eyes lingered on my hand and them up to my face. “Did you misplace it?”

“I guess. I probably lost it during the accident, or while I was rushed here. Or even in the emergency room, because I remember I was wearing it before the accident.”

“So what are you gonna do?”

“Nothing. Maybe it’s a sign that I should actually go ahead with the divorce. After I’m divorced, I won’t be needing it anymore so it’s a good thing I lost it already

Arielle nodded, and we resumed eating. For a while, my mind trailed to the ring and how it was got. Jared had gone to get our wedding rings without me. When he returned, mine didn’t fit properly. It was bigger,

I was not impressed with the fact that he didn’t think it was okay to take me along, get my finger measurement and let me make my choice design. But didn’t voice it out, I accepted it. Besides, even if I insisted on another ring, it would have been too late to get it because the rings were customized and our wedding the next day.

I sighed now as I realized that the signs were always there, I just chose to ignore them. But overall, I’m glad I’m finally walking away. For good.

As we finished our meal, Ashley got on her phone, while I got on mine too. It’s been a moment, I thought with nostalgia, clicking on my F****** app. Finally, it was time to catch up with the buzz and news the app came with.

Suddenly, Ashley’s expression changed, and she looked up at me with concern.

“Arielle, have you seen this?” she asked, holding out her phone.

I took it, and my heart sank. On the screen was a photo of Jared and Sofia in a restaurant, smiling and looking all cozy with Sofia pecking him. The picture was posted in Sofia’s I*******m account, with the tag. 20 years apart, and we still found our way back to each other.”

And wait, is that not the restaurant I worked in? Of all the places to choose for their little date, it had to be my place of work. Were they trying to spite me? I wondered, my heart clenching tightly.

I didn’t realize my hands were shaking as I returned the phone to Arielle.

I’m so sorry, Arielle. I shouldn’t have shown it to you,” Ashley said softly.

“No, it’s fine,” I said, even though it was the greatest lie of the century. It was not okay that I was barely out of his life, and my husband was already getting all cozy with his highschool sweetheart.

“No, it’s not. Your hands are shaking.”


The visitor.

I tried to sound calm, but my voice trembled. “It’s fine, really.”

“That idiot,” Ashley hissed. “He’s so shameless to let her post those pictures.”

“And hey, it’s okay to feel hurt. Do not pretend or try to bottle the emotions. You loved this man for years, and it’s very much okay to feel hurt seeing him in that position with another woman,” Ashley said, taking my hands in hers.

“It’s fine. Can we talk of something else?

Ashley gave me an empathetic look, but nodded. We spent the rest of the day playing card games and watching movies. Ashley did her best to distract me from the ache in my heart, but can it ever go away?

Days had turned into a week, and it’s been a week and a few days since I’ve been in the hospital. Ashley had returned to work, after she risked getting fired. So she visits after work, and sometimes

the passes

night in the hospital with me.

Rebecca and Mr Stone visited once, and when we were alone, she told me about Jared’s and Sofia’s visit to the restaurant. And of course, Sofia’s bitchy behavior.

In her words, “I thought you had a perfect marriage, but I just realized that there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage.”

We laughed over it, and I was glad she visited. In the coming days, I focused on my therapy session, determined to get out of the hospital as soon as I could.

As for Jared, I heard he visited twice and when he wasn’t granted access, stopped visiting. I didn’t give it much thought; I wasn’t expecting him to keep running after him when he has his sweetheart with him. But still, it hurts. The fact that he gave up easily.

For his mother, we spoke over the phone. She was shocked to hear I was in the hospital, and promised to visit me if I was still admitted when she returned to the country. She talked about some heirloom jewelries, but I politely turned the offer down. I was getting divorced from her son soon, and wouldn’t want anything from her family anymore.

When we spoke, she didn’t sound like she was privy to what happened so I kept my mouth shut. If Jared didn’t have the balls to tell her, then I didn’t think it was my place to.

Overall, I was grateful for life, and the progress I’ve been making so far, health–wise.

“Hey, girl,” Ashley said, sashaying into the room. She had a little basket of fruit in hand. I sighed, despite my protests, she wouldn’t stop getting me stuffs whenever she visited. Whenever I counted my blessings, -I counted this best friend of mine twice.

“Hi,” I responded cheerfully. It was always a pleasure to see her visit.

She set the basket on the table, and walked over to peck me.

“You’re glowing, girl,” she complimented, taking a seat beside me.

“Thank you,” I responded, blushing. Don’t give me that look, compliments from one’s best friend hits differently.

The visitor

“So I just spoke to the doctor, and he said you might be discharged in a few days time,” Ashley announced.

“Really?” I asked, my eyes liting up.

“Yes, really. You can walk now, so you just have to have the last of your therapy session and you will be outta here.”

“yeah!” I exclaimed in delight, throwing my hands up like a kid.

“Like this, one will find it hard to believe that you’re a full grown woman. You-” Ashley was cut midway by the knock on the door.

“Who’s it?” I called out.


“Umm… I’ll go get the door,” Ashley said, getting to her feet.

“Hold on, we don’t even know who it is because they won’t speak. What if it’s a serial killer?” I asked, fear appearing in my eyes.

“A serial killer in a hospital? Come of it, Arielle,” Ashley said and walked to the door. She pulled it open, and the sight of the figure that walked in made my eyes widen.


The vichon

The visitor.


I paused, my hand instinctively reaching for my ring finger. It felt bare and empty without the familiar weight of my wedding ring. My eyes widened, why did it take me this long to realize it’s not on my finger? If Ashley had not called my attention to it, I probably would not have noticed it was missing.

“I didn’t take it off,” I responded, while racking my brain on where it could be.

Ashley’s eyes lingered on my hand and them up to my face. “Did you misplace it?”

“I guess. I probably lost it during the accident, or while was rushed here. Or even in the emergency room, because I remember I was wearing it before the accident.”

“So what are you gonna do?”

“Nothing. Maybe it’s a sign that I should actually go ahead with the divorce. After I’m divorced, I won’t be needing it anymore so it’s a good thing I lost it already

Arielle nodded, and we resumed eating. For a while, my mind trailed to the ring and how it was got. Jared had gone

to get our wedding rings without me. When he returned, mine didn’t fit properly. It was bigger,

I was not impressed with the fact that he didn’t think it was okay to take me along, get my finger measurement and let me make my choice design. But didn’t voice it out, I accepted it. Besides, even if I insisted on another ring, it would have been too late to get it because the rings were customized and our wedding the next day.

I sighed now as I realized that the signs were always there, I just chose to ignore them. But overall, I’m glad I’m finally walking away. For good.

As we finished our meal, Ashley got on her phone, while I got on mine too. It’s been a moment, I thought with nostalgia, clicking on my F******k app. Finally, it was time to catch up with the buzz and news the app came with.

Suddenly, Ashley’s expression changed, and she looked up at me with concern.

“Arielle, have you seen this?” she asked, holding out her phone.

I took it, and my heart sank. On the screen was a photo of Jared and Sofia in a restaurant, smiling and looking all cozy with Sofia pecking him. The picture was posted in Sofia’s ******* account, with the tag. 20 years apart, and we still found our way back to each other.”

And wait, is that not the restaurant I worked in? Of all the places to choose for their little date, it had to be my place of work. Were they trying to spite me? I wondered, my heart clenching tightly.

I didn’t realize my hands were shaking as I returned the phone to Arielle.

I’m so sorry, Arielle. I shouldn’t have shown it to you,” Ashley said softly.

“No, it’s fine,” I said, even though it was the greatest lie of the century. It was not okay that I was barely out of his life, and my husband was already getting all cozy with his highschool sweetheart.

“No, it’s not. Your hands are shaking.”

The vistor


I tried to sound calm, but my volce trembled. “It’s fine, really.”

That idiot,” Ashley hissed. “He’s so shameless to let her post those pictures.”

“And hey, it’s okay to feel hurt. Do not pretend or try to bottle the emotions. You loved this man for years, and it’s very much okay to feel hurt seeing him in that position with another woman,” Ashley said, taking my hands in hers.

“It’s fine. Can we talk of something else?

Ashley gave me an empathetic look, but nodded. We spent the rest of the day playing card games and watching movies. Ashley did her best to distract me from the ache in my heart, but can it ever go away?

Days had turned into a week, and it’s been a week and a few days since I’ve been in the hospital. Ashley had returned to work, after she risked getting fired. So she visits after work, and sometimes passes the night in the hospital with me.

Rebecca and Mr Stone visited once, and when we were alone, she told me about Jared’s and Sofia’s visit to the restaurant. And of course, Sofia’s bitchy behavior.

In her words, “I thought you had a perfect marriage, but I just realized that there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage.”

We laughed over it, and I was glad she visited. In the coming days, I focused on my therapy session, determined to get out of the hospital as soon as I could.

As for Jared, I heard he visited twice and when he wasn’t granted access, stopped visiting. I didn’t give it much thought; I wasn’t expecting him to keep running after him when he has his sweetheart with him. But still, it hurts. The fact that he gave up easily.

For his mother, we spoke over the phone. She was shocked to hear I was in the hospital, and promised to visit me if I was still admitted when she returned to the country. She talked about some heirloom jewelries, but I politely turned the offer down. I was getting divorced from her son soon, and wouldn’t want anything from her family anymore.

When we spoke, she didn’t sound like she was privy to what happened so I kept my mouth shut. If Jared didn’t have the balls to tell her, then I didn’t think it was my place to.

Overall, I was grateful for life, and the progress I’ve been making so far, health–wise.

“Hey, girl,” Ashley said, sashaying into the room. She had a little basket of fruit in hand. I sighed, despite my protests, she wouldn’t stop getting me stuffs whenever she visited. Whenever I counted my blessings, -I counted this best friend of mine twice.

“Hi,” I responded cheerfully. It was always a pleasure to see her visit.

She set the basket on the table, and walked over to peck me.

“You’re glowing, girl,” she complimented, taking a seat beside me. noveldrama

“Thank you,I responded, blushing. Don’t give me that look, compliments from one’s best friend hits differently.


The visitor.

“So I just spoke to the doctor, and he said you might be discharged in a few days time,” Ashley announced.

“Really?” I asked, my eyes liting up.

“Yes, really. You can walk now, so you just have to have the last of your therapy session and you will be outta here.”

“yeah!” I exclaimed in delight, throwing my hands up like a kid.

“Like this, one will find it hard to believe that you’re a full grown woman. You-” Ashley was cut midway by the knock on the door.

“Who’s it?” I called out.


“Umm… I go get the door,” Ashley said, getting to her feet.

“Hold on, we don’t even know who it is because they won’t speak. What if it’s a serial killer?” I asked, fear appearing in my eyes.

A serial killer in a hospital? Come of it, Arielle,” Ashley said and walked to the door. She pulled it open, and the sight of the figure that walked in made my eyes widen.


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