Chapter 74
Chapter 74
"The incident helps us with the case, that is a positive."
I pushed open the door to Robbie's home office and they froze.
"I do not fucking guard her life day and night for you to play her like a fiddle."
"Sir, we..."
"Not one word." I hissed. "Not one fucking word." The forefinger I was pointing, shook with anger.
"What were you thinking? That you could use her? That you could break her tiny heart? Pull one more
stunt like that, you will cease to exist. You think, you can win this case and take shit load of money and
be Kings? Ever wondered how your life would be if you do not have an identity anymore. Ever
wondered the name you had all your life ceased to have a meaning. Ever wondered how to prove that
you are not the person, your social security number claimed you to be? I can do that, you know. I can
make you someone else overnight. How about a game? After all, you are the mighty attorneys. Let us noveldrama
see how you can beat your own system. I promise if you hurt my child again, you will never have a life
to get back to."
I would fucking demolish them.
My baby girl! She stopped breathing and they had the audacity to say it helped the case. They made
her cry.
I would rot my brain to crush their fucking pathetic sad excuses of human lives.
My baby's tiny eyes were squeezed shut and her whole body was frozen like a log.
My child!
"Angel, it was..."
"Don't! Robert Brantley, you could fuck that bitch sideways for the rest your life, I would not bat an eye.
If my Little Baby's breaths are the cost of getting you in my life, you are not worth it. Do you think I
sacrificed everything in my life to be with you? You are wrong. It was for her. It 'is' for her. Do you
He nodded frantically. "Yes, Angel. I will never have it any other way. You are the only one for me but I
will make sure our baby would not be dragged in the middle. I promise."
"You better stick to it Robert, because if there is one more time, you will never see me or her ever
again. She will learn to live without you, might even forget about you. No father should let his child fight
his own battles, that too as filthy and pathetic as this one." I wanted to wash away the after taste of my
own words.
He gasped. "Baby, please do not talk like that. I have nothing to do with this." He was stuttering.
I laughed. "You believe that? You have nothing to do with this! You married that fucking bitch, you
started this fuck fest and my kid is the one to pay the price? She is the only good thing that came out of
your never ending stupidity."
He nodded, completely agreeing with me.
I had meant every word I had said.
I stared at every moron in the room. They had the audacity to hurt my baby. I was planning to dig up
every fucking dirt they swept under the rugs of their 'names'. The hate I had for them was intensifying
"It is my fault." The whiplash made my eyes sting. Simon was staring back at me. He could shove the
guilt in his eyes, up his ass.
"They were going to bring up your relationship with Brantley. Our case is strong but if they were to
prove the father was also having an affair behind the back of the mother... there could be an issue to
have sole custody."
My heart dropped to my stomach. I could not imagine Lia in the hands of that monster.
"I noticed how detached your child was from the mother. I thought it would be better to throw the bone
at that rabid dogs than waiting for them to bite us first. We could lose if they had very disturbing
questions, so I was hoping on the detachment to show up under 'our' selected questions. I neither
knew or considered that the kid would be absolutely terrified of her. If you are going to annihilate
anyone for this incident, it should be me." He swallowed. "Your husband only knew... just like you, in
the court."
Simon had tears at end of his speech. "It was not my intention to put her through, hers... your worst
nightmare. I just...just... Hurt me, not them. They did not know."
I was feeling empty, I felt the adrenaline leaving my body making me slightly dizzy.
"Stop calling that monster a mother and he is not my husband."
"Davey..." A small voice was heard from the other side of the door.
I wiped my face fast and quickly sniffled trying to keep the rest of the stinging tears in my eyes.
"Coming, Princess."
I did not bother to look at anyone and went to my sweet child. I picked her up and showered her with
kisses making her giggle.
"Tickoles." She shrieked.
I thanked every deity known to me, for her laughs. She squished my face between her adorably small
hands. Her face was even more cute with that angry frown. "Davey, cwying?"
"Only a bit, baby, Davey is being silly." I kissed her again. "Want to go to beach?"
"Okey." Oh, her voice! That adorable baby bird squeak.
We sat on the bench and watched the waves. There were some people on the public part of the beach
but she was not interested. So, we sat in silence with her on my lap.
"Davey..." Her voice was broken. Was she crying?
Why was she crying?
"What is wrong Princess?" Was she hurt? Was she having trouble breathing? I should call Robbie. I
rubbed her tiny body trying to comfort her. Robbie must be in the office.
"Aangee, Davey?" I froze; what should I tell her? She would know if I lied. I did not want to lie. I was her
best friend. I told her that best friends did not lie to each other.
"Yes, baby girl, I am angry."
??Ahh...ahh... Davey aangee baby???
"What?!!!" Where did she get that idea from? Oh my god!
"Hwate Lillil Bae naw?"
I turned her body facing me.
"Dwwooonn hwatee, Davey... Dwooon hwateee bebee... Lia goo Davey... DAVEY!!! ...Dwonnnnn
What in the name of ever loving Jesus!
I hugged her and squeezed her body to mine as she hugged me with her tiny arms.
"Baby, baby, my baby... Look at me!!!" I kissed her hair and tried to catch her eyes but she was busy
climbing up my body. The kicks of her knees into my stomach did not match the pain in my heart now.
"Baby, Davey can never hate you. I love you. I love you so much. Yes, baby girl, I am angry but not at
you. Never at you. Do you hear me?"
"Huuh?" She looked up. The tears in her lashes were making me sad, but the hope in her eyes, broke
my heart. How could she think that there was a chance of my hating her!!!
My baby girl. My Little Lia. My Sunshine.
"I love you so so much... I always love you so much... I am not angry at you. Never doubt my love
okay? Because I love you always. I love you."
"Oh." She blinked away her tears and smiled with that gap between her front teeth and rested her head
on my shoulder.
"Baby girl?" I rubbed her back and gently rocked side to side.
Dear God! How could she even think that I could 'hate' her? Did she not know that she was my
absolute reason of my happiness? That our life used to be so dark and grey before she came into
Robbie and I's life. Did she not know that her dad used to be so self-centred, angry and frustrated all
the times before she came into his life with her adorable dimpled smile.
"Whaaa, Davey?" She smiled. Did I dream of her crying? If there were not residual wetness on her
cheeks, I would have thought I was insane.
Look at her now, all smiles and cuddly.
"Baby, we are best friends."
"Uh huuuh."
"So, you tell Davey everything, yeah? Especially scary stuff? So Daddy and I could be there to help
you, Baby Love. Daddy goes to gym for you, do you know that?"
"Daddy jim?"
"Yeah, so he can dishooo dishooo bad stuff. Jason does too." I punched the air to make her understand
what I was saying.
"Dishyooo dishyoooo." She punched air, mimicking me; then giggled silly. "Crocky bwitee."
"What, sweetheart?"
"My crocky bwite... in sleepy." She had nightmares? It took everything in me not to start crying.
The Judge was so understanding to Lia's predicament. They had a talk after Lia had taken a nap and
was calmed down.
The Judge's name was ironically Judy and she did not appreciate the smile I gave her. So I was on the
edge as the woman tried to open up Lia.
I almost had a heart attack when Lia asked her if she was Judy Hopps; one of her favourite fictional
character from Zootopia. I quickly apologized to the Judge and exclaimed to Lia that she could not
assume the name of a person.
That day was not my day because... yes, the name of the Judge was indeed Judy Hopps.
I tried very hard to save my face but even my Lia had 'you-are-stupid' face on, when both of them
frowned at me, unamused.
In my defence, come on... Judge Judy was enough of a surprising coincidence and what were the
chances that this intimidating hard-core African-American lady would share the name of Judy Hopps
But I learned my lesson that I was not needed in their conversation, except for being Lia's human chair.
Judge Judy Hopps was only unnervingly intimidating to adults, because in less than ten minutes Lia
was answering like the lovely girl she truly was.
Yes, Davey and her are best friends.
Good girl, Lia.
Yes, Davey takes to her potty and wipes her butt.
Thanks, Lia... it was a real honour to do so.
Yes, Davey feeds her milk, ice-cream, chocolates and cakes.
I winced at that. Should I cut in and say that I feed her nutritious food too? But I was stared down by
Judge Judy Hopps as soon as I opened my mouth.
Daddy is silly.
Well, at least for that I had no objection. Robbie was as silly as silly could ever get.
But as soon as the topic of 'mother' was brought up, Lia clamed up a bit but she answered Judge
honestly that, Janice did not really care about her and was always angry.
My heart broke as Lia told Judge Judy Hopps that Janice scared her because Janice shouted at
Daddy. Her tiny lips trembled and she cried for Robbie while searching for him inside the room.
Robbie, of course, came running, swooped Lia up before kissing her all over until she laughed.
Judge decided that it was enough discussion for one day and handed Lia, 'Crocky', a crocodile plushy,
for being the most intelligent and smart girl Judge had ever come across. She had promised Lia that
'Crocky' would save her from bad people and ugly monsters.
Momster, more like.
But I did not want to be glared at... again by Judge Judy Hopps. So, I kept quiet.
Lia slept with 'Crocky' ever since. I thought it was because the toy was cute with its open mouth with
sharp teeth. It could be a bit intimidating and scary from outside but... it was Lia's absolute favourite
because it was sworn to protect her.
Like Judge Judy Hopps.
I brushed hair off Lia's forehead as the beach wind tried to play with my baby. I pecked her cheek once
more as she continued to ramble about all her toys, Daddy, Davey and JJ.
"Baby, how about we have a Princess tea party?" She squealed and clapped her hands.
She had cried, begging me not to hate her. Where the heck did she get that stupid word anyways!
My Lia.
I missed her already when she jumped out of my lap and ran to her daddy, punching the air. He was
walking towards us but stopped at my glare.
"Daddy, comeee dishyooo dishyooo sleepy. Daddy and JJ, Davey sed."
He picked our girl up and took a deep breath.
"Baby Angel, Daddy is sorry." Her confused frown was adorable. "I was not there to help you in sleep."
"Daddy go jim." She told him in bored tone and it made me smile.
"I will go to gym every day to protect you. I love you, girl."
"Okey. Swee... all okey, now."
We were raising a diva.
As long as my baby girl was not spoiled rotten and hurt other people, she could be all the diva she
wished for.
The days were much easier to handle for me but at night, I could not sleep. I spent the nights staring at
my kid as she slept clutched on my night shirt. I wanted to feel her tiny chest moving with her every
breath. Wanted to hear and feel that soft thuds of her baby heart beating.
We had to move from the beach house the next day because life was unpredictable like that. That
added more to my stress and it was affecting all of our lives.
I did not bother to answer as I picked up my baby from the play mat.
"Nu... Davey." She pouted and stretched her hands to the toy truck which was too big for her to carry in
her little hands.
"We are going out with Daddy, remember, Princess? We have to help Daddy with this thing and then he
will get us ice cream."
"Yup." I pecked her cute, chubby cheek and she smiled.
"Go, now." She pointed to the car that pulled up in our drive way.
My kid and her absolute obsession over sweet foods.
I heard Robbie sighing and my adamant refusal to partake in any conversation with him. I was still
angry. It wasn't even a week since the incident in which my Little Baby...
My heart started beating rapidly again and my hands turned clammy...
No... she was fine. She was here... with me...
I tightened my hold around her waist and pulled her closer to my chest. "I love you so much, Lia." She
giggled happily before doing circus moves in my hand. So I tucked my lips under her chin and blew a
loud raspberry, making her squeal and laugh out loud.
A firm hand settled on the small of my back and steered me to the car.
I sighed seeing Gabe and Jason along with another three people who I did not know. They were all
getting individual cars similar to ours.
To evade the paparazzi, apparently.
Janice went online again, crying and begging the people to listen to her aching mommy heart who had
not seen her daughter for so long. We had to leave our beach house because of that and honestly I
had no idea where we were. Robbie took us here and thankfully it had been peaceful.
Robbie promised me that his lawyers had taken the issue of her public stunts to the judge. Especially
after there were posters and propagandas from fake feminists, homophobes and many conservative
Christians; we had every right to take it to court.
I placed my favourite little person in this whole world, the treasure I found in the bloody muddy fucked-
up love life with Robbie and of course the very reason I had found a place in this fast paced life.
She was my everything. I could not bear the thought of not seeing her smiles, not receiving her kisses,
not hearing her annoyed cries during tantrums or not opening her baby mouth for the food I made just
for her.
I kissed her again before sitting next to her holding her hand. They used to be whole lot chubbier
before and the nails were not this big. They used to be like small grains of rice and look at them now. I
rubbed her fingers in wonder; I used to be so afraid to cut her nails when she was younger.
I kissed the said hands with reverence and cherished the musical laughter that followed later.
"LUBU DAVEY!!!" She exclaimed and my heart warmed.
"And I love you too, Little Baby." She giggled before kicking her legs and showing me the shoes her
grandfather Fred had bought her. It had lights that would change colour and Lia thought, her walking
made her shoes happy and that was why they were glowing. She had a squeaky one before and loved
it too much, that she refused to remove even after dinner and gave her daddy a headache. We could
not fight with her a lot but Robbie really wanted to burn those things. At least this time, these were just
I was a father, wasn't I?
I could not take my eyes off her for a second. How I wanted to protect from the all the evil that lurked
behind darkness and had lovely face during daytime. My hawk eyes followed her every move when we
were out in the public and I had to be physically with her if she had to move towards a stranger.
Daddy was pretty laid off when we were in home but if we were out, he went from cuddly dad to a
terrifying giant in a blink. But I loved that. Lia needed every protection she could get.
The only people I could agree with the babysitting was Jase and Gabe, Uncle Fred and Jack, Frankie,
Liz and Ferrar, Nick and Windy... even knowing that Tristian had changed, the fact that he used to be a
thief... I did not hold it against him and he was welcome in our home... but would I leave Lia only in his
care? I was not that good of a man or... Angel...
She was the apple of my eyes, the beats of my heart, the essence of my life...
"Baby, we are here..."
I looked into the worried gaze of Robbie but I ignored them. I had far more important things to focus
on... My Lia.
"Ahree now, Davey?"
"Not yet, Princess. We are here to help Daddy, remember?"
She stretched her hands to me and plucked her from the car seat to my chest, savouring the
strawberry smell of her hair and milky smell of her skin. The amazing scent of an innocent baby and
her childhood.
Jesus! Please give me strength and power to keep my Little Lia the way she is - perfect.
Tears sprang into my eyes for unknown reasons... again and Robbie started rubbing my back all the
way from my nape to butt.
I was still angry and I refused to talk to him but I could not help but lean into his warmth and strength.
I noticed people huddling over the other end of the corridor and I gave them none of my attention. I
kept a firm hand on the back of my baby's head, so she would not see any of those people even by
accident. They did not deserve even her look. Janice was glaring at me and I did not acknowledge her.
I had no reason to.
Robbie's lawyers came to us and gave us a brief description of today's proceedings. The court had
assigned a child psychologist, who was going to brief us and decide if Lia was in a healthy, stable
The last episode had put the Judge in doubt about Lia's well-being. The bottom line was the court did
not care about who the 'better' parent was. If the psychologist found if any of them was not up to her
standards, then my kid was going to be put up for adoption or foster care.
My face crumbled and I bit my wobbling lips.
Lia refused to leave me and that had put the officers in trouble. Finally, they decided it would be best if
she sat on my lap but if I hinder the procedure, all the bets were off and I would be thrown out of the
Half of the questions from the psychologist did not make any sense to me but she was ticking off
something in her notepad.
She put some toys for Lia on the floor a bit far away from where we were sitting and my kid was
intrigued by the bright colours. She popped her thumb in her baby mouth, while staring at them.
Then it dawned to me that the previous questions were to ease up her mind and the psychologist was
trying to take Lia off my lap.
She did not succeed though. Lia started to squirm on my lap and started pointing to the toys.
"Davey, look."
"Yes, baby, toys."
"No, Little Baby, they are this lady's."
She wanted to play but she knew she was not supposed to take other people's stuff without permission.
She would if she was used to the person but the psychologist was a still stranger.
"You can play with them, Amelia."
"Yes. You can play if you share them with me."
Lia looked at me for permission and I kissed her forehead. "Go, then." She was chewing on her thumb
and then hid her face in my chest. "Oh, what is wrong? Go ahead. She is fine with your playing with
them. It is okay Lia."
Then she slowly slithered down my lap before yanking my hand to follow her. I stood up but I did not
think the psychologist wanted me there. I was in the cubicle and Lia would be well within my reach. So
it was fine.
I gently pushed her to the toys but she only hid behind my knees.
"I am sorry. She is not used to this environment and..."
"You can join us too. More the merrier." She ticked something else on the clip board again and I so
wanted to peek in.
Lia and I sat on the mat, playing with toys and after half an hour or so, she warmed up enough that we
started to make the toys play out her made up stories.
Then slowly I stood up and sat on the chair, Lia did not like it but she turned her body to me and
continued playing.
I could not hear what the psychologist was asking anymore but Lia was giggling and replying with 'yes'
and 'no's. Then something happened and she pouted before storming to me and hugging my knees
"What is wrong?"
I panicked and picked her up and cuddling her to my chest. "What is wrong, Little Baby? Tell Davey."
"Don wanna go."
What the hell? Go where? What did this lady tell her? Lia was not going anywhere without me.
"Go where, Lia?" My heart leapt out of my chest.
"I was asking her if she wanted to get ice cream."
I almost sighed in relief but then my baby frowned at her. "Nu... to Dinsy Wol..." She glared at the
psychologist for lying.
"You don't want to go to Disney World? But you like it there." I tried again.
"No go withit Davey and Daddy." She pouted at me. "Davey..."
This time when the psychologist smiled it was a genuine smile. She ticked some more on the clip board
and I could not help but take a quick peek when she leaned in for a handshake.
Was she playing Sudoku on that newspaper all this time?! What the fucking hell!
I thought she was giving me points or something.
She also shook my kid's hand though Lia was glaring at her.
"I asked her if she wanted to go to Disney World without you or her father. I think I offended her."
"Davey go." Lia told her adamantly and the phycologist handed her a lollipop which Lia gave to me.
Honestly I deserved the lollipop, because the whole experience was not traumatic to Lia as it was to
The divorce procedures were temporarily halted because Judge Judy Hopps figured Lia needed
immediate attention... the CPS would visit our home someday but it was nothing to sweat over.
It was not surprising to see Uncle Fred standing in front of our temporary residence like a man on
mission. Uncle Jack was way too stiff and I knew they were fighting, most probably over me.
"Get your things."
"Gampa!" Lia literally jumped from my chest to Uncle Fred.
"Come here! You got me all worried sick." I watched him smothering her with kisses and his shaking
hands rubbing her tiny back rapidly. "You are staying with me." He told me sternly.
"With all due respect..." Robbie objected.
"If 'my' grandbaby was not in my hands I would really like to tell you where to shove your 'all due
respect', Brantley. Not one word. Now, I am taking my kids with me and you better get your life
straight." Uncle Fred spat and boy, was he angry?
"But... they are fine here. I look after them and..."
"Well, they do not need your looking after, they have me... Davidson, come on, we are leaving."
My things were folded next to my suitcase and all I had to do was put them inside. Uncle Jack was
holding Lia's purse and tiny backpack filled with toys.
"Whay going, Gampa?"
"Going to have fun." Uncle Fred wiped the left over ice cream from her cheek before pecking her.
Robbie tried to talk again but he beat him to it. "I don't care what you think or do, but they are my only
living family. They are the only ones I have left to protect and cherish, unlike you. So, if you want to
play with lives, find someone else. You got it?"
Uncle Fred took Lia to his car and strapped her to the baby seat. Of course Robbie was not having it.
As much as Uncle Fred tried to deny the fact, Lia was Robbie's child and life.
Uncle Jack held him back and Robbie almost threw a fit.
"Give him time. I know, Robert." Uncle Jack rubbed his shoulder. "Son, he is worried sick because the
tabloids are after you... and the internet is... ridiculous and it is getting to him."
"What are you guys waiting for? Get in." Uncle Fred was impatient.
"In a minute. Hold your horses Grumpy Old man." Only Jack Kennedy could put his partner in check.
"Robert, you know where we are. With Davidson and Lia with us you have one less thing to worry
about. They will be safe with us. Freddy will come around." Uncle Jack gave me a smile and a pat on
Robbie's back.
"What the heck is taking so long?" Uncle Fred came for me and dragged me behind him. I was still mad
at my Big Baby but he looked so lost with both of us leaving him.
His eyes sad and gloomy... he looked alone in this whole world.
I pulled my hands off Uncle Fred and ran to him, throwing my hands around his neck. He caught me by
my waist with a huff.
"I am mad at you." I glared at him.
"I know, Baby."
"... but I am mostly...just... sad."
His hand slightly tightened and I wanted to cry so bad.
"Uncle Fred is going to BBQ your butt." I almost smiled at his wince. "... and you deserve it."
"Uncle Jack is right, you know. You will have one less thing to worry with us not here."
"How can you say that? You are never my worry..."
"You know what I mean..."
He did.
We had to change cars and shuffle drivers because Jason had spotted media when we got out from
the court session. We even had make Lia eat her ice cream in the car.
I sucked his neck hard and pulled up a hickey. "If paparazzi are still watching... and I want this to show
when they take pics. Be safe and show them who is the man."
I pulled away from him and got in the car before he would trap me in his hug and never let go.
Lia needed some down time and honestly so did Robbie. Janice was not above cheap stunts. She
would drag us through literal shit without herself knowing that she was getting dirtier and stinky than us.
I waved when the car started moving and my man was still looking at us but he was looking determined
than a lost puppy.
I could not sleep well these days and I hoped a change of scenery would help me get some rest but I
knew I would not.
How could I?
I could not sleep well even with the calming presence of Robbie next to me. I woke up every hour and I
had to check on Lia to take the weight away from my heart.
Now without him next to me, I was depressed and tired.
Did he miss me?
Stop it Ace!
I lied.
Not that it would be any surprising to anybody including myself. When I thought Robbie could rot
together with Janice, I was lying. I wanted him to rot... but next to me. Hmmm... I did not know, thought-
lying was a thing too.
But... whatever. He was mine and Robbie was going to stay that way.
Sorry, not sorry.
He was not next to me now and Uncle Fred had taken my phone away, so I would not look up the
internet but that also meant I could not contact Robbie.
Win-win for Uncle Fred.
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